Articles related to Voltaire
Dan Popescu - GoldBroker
The Gold Standard
According to Mises, money’s function as a medium of exchange is thus the central one, while its store of value and unit of account functions are merely subordinate functions. I would say store of value and unit of account is what makes the medium of exchange marketable. The medium of exchange has to be simple to understand, not only by educated people but also the most uneducated. It has to be easily accessed, not only in ideal circumstances but also in difficult ones. Many things have been trie
Friday, July 10, 2020
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
Virtually no investor studies history and the few who do always think it is different today. The most important lesson is that people never learn. If they did, they wouldn’t be invested in a stock market that on any criteria is now at a bubble extreme. And they wouldn’t be invested in a global debt market which has grown exponentially in recent decades and which will become worthless in the next few years as debtors default. Nor would anyone hold paper money which is down 97-99% in the last 100
Friday, February 9, 2018
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
We Did It To Ourselves! It’s Time for Change.
Serious problems affect Americans. Problems first, solutions at the end! We did what to ourselves? Our representatives, senators, and Presidents, supposedly acting on our behalf, voted for and created what history has shown are huge monetary and fiscal mistakes. Some will disagree, but consider this partial list: 1 – Central banking and The Federal Reserve Act:  Enough money was spread around Washington D.C. to purchase the passage of this self-serving banking monstrosity. It was signed into law
Tuesday, February 6, 2018
Dave Kranzler - Sprott Money
Gold And Silver: Something Different Is Occurring - Dave Kranzler
JP Morgan, at least according to the daily Comex warehouse report, added over half a million ozs of silver to its “historic” stash of silver at the Comex: TF Metals Report. It would be even more interesting to see an actual independent accounting of that specific metal which would track the serial numbers on the bars to the legal owner of title. I’ve been hedged in my mining stock portfolio since early September. The signal for me to hedge is the reliable Comex bank “net short” posi
Saturday, November 11, 2017
Andy Hoffman - Miles Franklin
Gold, Biker Wisdom and Dollar Devaluation
A common expression among bikers who love to ride is, “It’s not the destination, it’s the journey.” TS Elliott and others made similar statements nearly a century ago. How Does This Apply to Gold and Dollar Devaluation? Some adults understand: Voltaire said over 200 years ago, “Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value – zero.” The value of the U.S. dollar has declined from about 1/40 of an ounce of gold to its current level of about 1/1300 ounce of gold since 1971. Because central
Monday, October 30, 2017
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
Fake money has created a totally uneven playing field for most ordinary people. Money used to represent a medium of exchange that would facilitate bartering. Instead of exchanging goods or services, people would receive a piece of paper that was equal to the value of their goods or services. This was initially an honest system when for each service or goods offered there was only one bank note issued. Eventually the banker started to cheat and issued a lot more money/paper than the counter value
Saturday, August 12, 2017
Mark O'Byrne -
Every Citizen Should Own 3.5 Ounces of Gold Bullion – Central Bank
Central bank governor has “dream” for every citizen to own at least 100 grams of gold bullion Governor of Central Bank of Kyrgyzstan said the central bank had sold around 140 kilos of gold bullion to the domestic population already Central Asian country’s central bank continues to diversify into gold bullion “Gold can be stored for a long time … doesn’t lose its value for the population as a means of savings” “I’ll try to turn the dream into reality faster…” The Governor of the Central bank o
Friday, February 17, 2017
Mac Slavo - ShtfPlan
‘White’ Philosophers Next Ban At College: “A Real Danger Of Political Correctness Out of Control”
“Rather ridiculous” … and ultimately quite dangerous. Apparently, there is no end to the stupidity… especially at centers of higher learning. In the quest for diversity, fair representation and perhaps payback, some racially-minded education reformers are now attempting to erase philosophers like Plato and Kant from the curriculum – because they are ‘white.’ Never mind that some of these minds are foundational to knowledge as we know it, or the direction of western society. They are white. via R
Monday, January 9, 2017
John Embry – The Fundamental Attraction of Gold
28-Sep (Sprott) — For investors who are both just beginning their foray into gold investment, and for those who have been long time proponents of gold, Sprott Senior Advisor John Embry breaks down the recent history of the U.S., highlighting the pressures that have brought fiat currency to the brink, U.S. debt liabilities to staggering heights, and gold back to the institutional investor’s crosshairs. It’s a must-hear, dispassionate and highly instructional speech for anyone seeking to fully und
Wednesday, September 28, 2016
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
Physical Gold and Silver vs Failing European Banks
It is no surprise that both commercial and central banks hate gold. Because gold reveals the total mismanagement of the economy and the deceitful actions that the bankers take. Once the paper gold market collapses, which is not far away, we will see the full extent of these malpractices which could easily be classified as fraudulent. Paper money will soon be worth ZERO It is not just central banks that print money. Commercial banks print many times more by leveraging their balance sheets up to 5
Saturday, July 9, 2016
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
A Bull - Fed On Paper Money
It seems that a bull fed on paper money has eternal life. Whatever the news is, stock markets worldwide react positively. It takes a long time to kill off a secular bull even if it has the wrong diet. Central banks have no policy This last week stock markets surged on the news more QE is likely from the ECB and also from China. But the news from the Fed was again another U-turn with potential rate hike in December. As I have stated many times, neither the Fed nor any other central bank has g
Monday, November 9, 2015
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
How long can a bull, fed on paper money, survive
It seems that a bull fed on paper money has eternal life. Whatever the news is, stock markets worldwide react positively. It takes a long time to kill off a secular bull even if it has the wrong diet. Source Illustration by Karl Gelles USAToday Central banks have no policy This last week stock markets surged on the news more QE is likely from the ECB and also from China. But the news from the Fed was again another U-turn with potential rate hike in December. As I have sta
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
Swiss Gold Referendum: A Unique Opportunity to Lead the World Back to a Sound Money Poli
On 30 November 2014 the Swiss People has the opportunity to determine not just the fate of their own financial system but also to be the catalyst for the return to sound money in the Western World. The “Gold Initiative” referendum November 30, 2014 On November 30th the Swiss will vote on: 1. Returning their national gold which is held abroad back to Switzerland 2. Requiring the Swiss National Bank to hold 20% of their assets in physical gold 3. Prohibiting further gold sales So why is th
Monday, October 6, 2014
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
  Will this save the Swiss financial system 
Will this save the Swiss financial system? by Egon von Greyerz  – October 2014 On 30 November 2014 the Swiss People has the opportunity to determine not just the fate of their own financial system but also to be the catalyst for the return to sound money in the Western World. The “Gold Initiative” referendum November 30, 2014 On November 30th the Swiss will vote on: Returning their national gold which is held abroad back to Switzerland Requiring the Swiss National Bank to hold 20% of their asse
Friday, October 3, 2014
Mish - Global Economic Analysis
  Ukrainians Ordered to War, Women Burn the Military Writs
The war in Ukraine is going so well that soldiers are unpaid and men are ordered to serve whether they want to or not. Hats off to a group of women who confront a Ukrainian soldier and burn military writs right in front of the soldier's face. Writ Burning Video Video link: Ukrainians Burn Writs Transcript Woman to Ukrainian soldier: Who are you? Soldier: I am the head of the local recruiting center. Woman: Why are you bringing military writs? Soldier: It's an order from above. I can'
Tuesday, July 29, 2014
Ty Andros - traderview
  Useful Idiots and the Something For Nothing Society - Part 1 of 3 
This week's TedBits is as important a commentary as any I have ever written in my 10+ years writing Austrian analysis of the unfolding world macroeconomics and geopolitical situation. It covers the origins, causes and destinations we are headed for, the participants, historical context and the future based upon past episodes: Past, present and future so to speak. I hope you enjoy it. Best wishes Ty. Adam Smith in his seminal book, Wealth of Nations, outlined how all great empires res
Friday, July 25, 2014
Dan Popescu - GoldBroker
  Is Gold the Anti-Dollar " United States’ Role in the Gold Market 
What role does the United States play in the gold market? The United States is, after the European Union, the largest holder of gold reserves, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). Besides China, Russia, India and the European Union, the United States is one of the most important players in the gold market. It is, in my opinion, the most anti-gold country of all the major five players. A whole generation of economists has been indoctrinated to
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Chris Powell - GATA
Gold bugs and fiat currency advocates each have their own economic myths 
Fiat currency advocates aren't the only ones who perpetuate myths about economics, like the desirability of central banking. Central banking works great in theory but in practice central banking is the power to create infinite money, which is absolute power, and of course it is never exercised by an impartial machine following infallible formulas; rather is it exercised by fallible people who are corrupted absolutely by absolute power. Gold advocates have their own myths too, foremost of which i
Sunday, March 30, 2014
Doug Casey - Casey Research
Don Coxe: The End of Financial Heroin 
For the past year, we have rarely written on gold, because there were too many other investment opportunities, and the good old S&P was just going up month after month. This was, for most equity investors, Voltaire’s “best of all possible worlds.” The economy was of Goldilockian temperature and moderation, politicians were behaving the way cynics expected and optimists despised, and the Fed was successfully injecting massive doses of “financial heroin” into the US—and global—economy without any signs of ill effects… or any remarkable enthusiasm for risk-taking.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Jesse - Le Cafe Américain
John Ralston Saul: Voltaire's Bastards
John Ralston Saul discusses the ideas put forward in his book Voltaire's Bastards and their application today. He talks about the growth of oligopolies in the name of free markets, the pitfalls of the debt economy, and the problems with the way in which the West has responded to the financial crisis.
Monday, December 2, 2013

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