Latest Shanghai Gold Withdrawals Cross the 10,000 Tonne Mark - 2013 a Pivotal Year

IMG Auteur
Published : October 31st, 2015
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Category : Market Analysis

In the first chart we see that there were about 57 tonnes of gold bullion withdrawn from the SGE into China in the latest week.  This is not 'official reserves' but all gold without regard to the receiving party.

This pushes the cumulative withdrawals of Shanghai gold over the 10,000 tonne mark.  Not bad for less than seven years in the business.

This does not include gold that flows through Hong Kong, or through any other non-exchange means purported to be used by the People's Bank of China.

On the second chart you can see that Year-To-Date Shanghai has released 2,119 tonnes into China.  Compared to prior years 2015 is clearly going to be a new record if the withdrawals maintain this pace.

One thing that struck me on that second chart tonight is that Shanghai withdrawals took a definite leg up in 2013.

This is also the same year that the price of gold in Dollars was smacked lower, and the ratio of potential claims to registered gold on the Comex began to climb, and eventually start to go parabolic this year.

Perhaps the bullion bank apologists and shills are right, and this is all just meaningless, an optical illusion, or some fantasy.  Gold is just like pet rocks,  and the majority of the people in the world, and throughout recorded history for that matter,  are just confused and demented.

As I mentioned earlier this evening, the tails risks look rather fat.  One might wonder that even a dingy gray swan with a weak wing could trigger a fairly impressive set of 'unforeseeable incidents.'

They'll never learn.  Why should they?  Winning....

Related:   LBMA Apparently Altered Its Gold Flow By 2,200 Tonnes

These charts are from Nick Laird at






Data and Statistics for these countries : China | Hong Kong | All
Gold and Silver Prices for these countries : China | Hong Kong | All
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