Treasure Mountain Project |
Treasure Mountain |
Country |
Province |
Ontario |
Status |
Latitude / Longitude |
54 N 31 / 128 W 8 |
Risk and valuation analysis of the Treasure Mountain Project |
Status Risk : Green exploration |
Location of the Treasure Mountain Project |
Treasure Mountain property is located approximately 30 km by road due east of Terrace, B.C. The property hosts a copper mineralized belt of over 6 kilometres strike length.
History of the Treasure Mountain Project |
New areas of copper mineralization were identified in the northern section in 2006 which will be included in the 2007 drilling and blasting program.
Geology of the Treasure Mountain Project |
The property hosts a copper mineralized belt of over 6 kilometres strike length.
Discoveries and Drilling Results | |
Data last updated on : 11/20/2008
All information on this page comes from internal and external sources deemed reliable. This information might not be up to date, so please perform due diligence before making any conclusion or making any action. Do contact us should any information be missing or incorrect.