Tugojakovsk Project
Country Russia 
Province Tomsk oblast
Latitude / Longitude 56 N 22 / 85 W 13
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Risk and valuation analysis of the Tugojakovsk Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Tugojakovsk Project
Cigma Metals Corporation.
Owner: 80%
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Cigma Metals Corporation has an 80% stake in 2 large highly prospective exploration licenses, Tugojakovsk and Haldeiskaja, located in the Tomsk Oblast region of Central Siberia, Russia
Location of the Tugojakovsk Project
Tugojakovsk Project is located in the Tomsk Oblast region of Central Siberia, Russia.
History of the Tugojakovsk Project
During the late 19th Century the first evidence of gold mineralisation in the region. Exploration and development of small placer gold occurrences occurred along the Tugojakovsk River near the abandoned village of Konevoy and along some of its tributaries, Targanak, Berezovaya, Takovaya, Kamenka, and a spring at Kuzmin.
Geology of the Tugojakovsk Project
The geology of Tugojakovsk area is represented by the sedimentary rock formations of Carboniferous age composed of carbonaceous shales, siltstones and sandstones united under common term "black shale". The rocks are deformed into linear folds and cut more...
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