Country Madagascar 
Surface 1,487 km² / 367,438 acres
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Last updated on 2/13/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the MADAGASCAR SAPPHIRE Project
Status Risk : Past producer
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the MADAGASCAR SAPPHIRE Project
Mayfair Mining and Minerals Inc.
: 100%
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In May 2006, Mayfair Mining acquired 51% of the outstanding shares of Union Prospection Miniere, a Madagascan private limited company and, in July 2006, Mayfair Mining completed the acquisition of the remaining 49% of the outstanding shares of UPM. M more...
Location of the MADAGASCAR SAPPHIRE Project
Properties are located in the Ilakaka sapphire mining district of southern Madagascar.
History of the MADAGASCAR SAPPHIRE Project
During 2005, Sapphire Fields Limited, the 51% owner of UPM at the time, held the 16 sapphire concessions that make up the Madagascar sapphire concessions. SFL/UPM worked only one concession, that which contains the Benahy-Imaloto or Ampasimamitaka sa more...
Geology of the MADAGASCAR SAPPHIRE Project
The Ilakaka mining district is underlain largely by Mesozoic sedimentary formations and Archaean basement in the east. The sapphire field is closely associated with upper Tertiary (Neogene) and younger alluvial and residual ferricrete deposits on upl more...
Data last updated on : 2/13/2009
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