Falgold and Olympus Projects
Falgold and Olympus Projects
Country Zimbabwe 
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Last updated on 11/19/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Falgold and Olympus Projects
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Very High
Title(s) of the Falgold and Olympus Projects
Central African Gold
Owner: 100%
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February 2007 saw the purchase of Falgold (84.7%) and Olympus (100%) gold mining companies
History of the Falgold and Olympus Projects
Falgold is a Zimbabwean company, first listed on the ZSE in 1991 with a history of operations dating back to 1910. The current company was incorporated in 1989 to facilitate operations in Zimbabwe. The company has 111 million issued shares, from an a more...
Geology of the Falgold and Olympus Projects
Host rocks vary between mafic volcanics, metasediments/volcaniclastics, banded iron formation, granodiorite, granite and often quartz and quartz-feldspar porphyry intrusives. Probably the most significant aspect in the localisation of the ore zones a more...
Data last updated on : 12/31/2007
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