Medinandi Project
Country Mali 
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Produces Gold -
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Last updated on 11/19/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Medinandi Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Medinandi Project
Central African Gold
Interest: 80%
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Location of the Medinandi Project
The Medinandi Project comprises two permits (Medinandi and Bokolobi, total approximately 150km²) situated in the southern part of the Keniéba window, roughly 40km south-west of the town Keniéba.
History of the Medinandi Project
Gold was first discovered on the Medinandi permit in 1953 by a French geologist, and even after a number of more recent exploration programmes (late 1990’s), has remained largely under-explored due to thick ferricrete (laterite) cover.
Geology of the Medinandi Project
The property locates over structural splays from the Senegal-Mali shear zone (SMZ), which is associated with major gold deposits in the area such as Sadiola and Loulo/Yalea. The Medinandi permit also includes similar geological packages and structure more...
Data last updated on : 12/31/2007
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