Hasançelebi Project
Country Turkey 
Close to Ankara
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Last updated on 10/2/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Hasançelebi Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Hasançelebi Project
Stratex International
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Hasançelebi Project
Hasançelebi is located approximately 500 km SE of Ankara.
Geology of the Hasançelebi Project
The property lies within the Yamadag Volcanics, which form part of the Anatolian block. Hosted within probable Miocene-age andesitic and dacitic rocks, mineralization at Hasançelebi is high-sulphidation epithermal gold-silver. Silica ledges are found outcropping close to the contact between andesitic/dacitic flows and the underlying sequence of clastic sediments and minor limestone units.
Exploration and drilling
9/28/2009options Hasancelebi Prospect in Turkey
Discoveries and Drilling Results
10/26/2010New Gold Mineralization Defined by Drilling at Hasançelebi
Data last updated on : 10/2/2009
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