Kangare Project
Country Mali 
Province Bougouni
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Explores for Copper - Gold - Lead - Zinc -
Last updated on 11/25/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Kangare Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Kangare Project
Medoro Resources Ltd.
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Kangare Project
The Kangaré licence area is located within the Bougouni region of the West African craton, 120 km South from Bamako, Mali.
History of the Kangare Project
The Kangaré area has been explored by JICA during the period 1992-94 and as part of a much larger mining tenement by Anmercosa Exploration (Mali) Ltd (Anmercosa) from March 1995 to July 1997. There has been no commercial production of gold from the area. However, disused artisanal workings occur within the property.
Geology of the Kangare Project
The licence area covers a northsouth belt of Birimian formations that include, from west to east: pretectonic intrusive, volcano-sedimentary unit (predominantly basic) and meta-greywacke. There is a prominent ridge of volcanics that runs east-west to more...
Data last updated on : 10/13/2009
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