Doradilla Tin Project
Doradilla Tin
Country Australia 
Province New south wales
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Explores for Bismuth - Copper - Nickel - Silver - Tin - Zinc -
Last updated on 11/27/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Doradilla Tin Project
Status Risk : Early discovery
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Doradilla Tin Project
YTC Resources Limited
Option on interest: 70%
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History of the Doradilla Tin Project
Tin exploration at Doradilla ceased in 1990 due to depressed tin prices combined with unsatisfactory metallurgical recoveries in the primary tin-silicate zone.
Geology of the Doradilla Tin Project
The regional geology of the area is not entirely clear but it is apparent that the area contains a major crustal suture representing the break between the Lachlan and Thompson Orogens. Doradilla Project also represents a strong exploration target for more...
Data last updated on : 11/27/2009
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