Leshya Project
Country Russia 
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Last updated on 12/24/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Leshya Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Leshya Project
Ovoca Gold Plc
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Leshya Project
Leshya Licence Area is located within the Kola Peninsular is located in the North-West of Russia near the Finnish border.
History of the Leshya Project
The Leshaya area has been subjected to geochemical sampling and several anomalies had been highlighted in the search for nickel in the 1950s. The results of this early work delineated an area of anomalous 0.3% nickel and the Norplat sampling programme in 2004 confirmed the anomalous nickel grades and also returned anomalous gold and slightly anomalous platinum values.
Geology of the Leshya Project
Geologically, the area comprises an ultra mafic peridotite body that has been intruded or fault emplaced into the green schists with disseminated and massive sulphised zones occuring at the margins. The intrusive, which has a strike length of approxi more...
Data last updated on : 12/24/2009
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