Marriott’s Project
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Explores for Nickel -
Last updated on 3/23/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Marriott’s Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Marriott’s Project
Australian Mines Ltd
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Marriott’s Project
Marriott’s is a shallow nickel sulphide deposit located 70 kilometres south of BHP Billiton’s world-class Leinster Nickel Operations.
History of the Marriott’s Project
The deposit was drilled by WMC in the 1970’s and subsequently Australian Mines limited purchased the deposit from BHP Billiton in 2007 with an agreement to treat the ore at the Leinster Mill.
Geology of the Marriott’s Project
The geology at Marriott’s is well understood with the ore being located at the base of a series of minor komatiite flows, which are themselves situated above a thick serpentenised periodotite unit of the Mt Clifford Formation. There is excellent pr more...
Data last updated on : 6/30/2009
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