pedra branca Project
pedra branca
Country Brazil 
Province Amapa
Print Valuation Travel To Property All neighbouring Properties Mines and deposits nearby All active properties nearby
Explores for Gold - Iron - Manganese -
Last updated on 2/4/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the pedra branca Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Moderate
Title(s) of the pedra branca Project
Ecometals Limited
Owner: 100%
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Location of the pedra branca Project
The Pedra Branca project is located in the state of Amapa in northern Brazil, in the Pedra Branca do Amapari municipality, approximately 150km northwest of the state capital of Macapa.
History of the pedra branca Project
Work by previous operators and artisanal miners has at Pedra Branca identified anomalous gold occurrence in the area which have been previously exploited informally in shallow surface workings.
Geology of the pedra branca Project
The Pedra Branca Gold Project is underlain by the Vila Nova Group, a sequence of Lower Proterozoic metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks within the eastern part of the Guyana Shield. The Guyana Shield stretches from northern Brazil to Venezuel more...
Data last updated on : 2/4/2010
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