Tandai Project
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Last updated on 2/25/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Tandai Project
Status Risk : Past producer
Country Risk : Very High
Title(s) of the Tandai Project
Sumatra Copper & Gold Plc.
Interest: 92.5%
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The Company has an economic interest of 92.5% in its projects.
History of the Tandai Project
Tandai, like Lebong, represents an under-explored historical mining district. The deepest levels of the mine were still in production when abandoned during the Japanese invasion of WWII. Historic Dutch production totalled 1.4 million ounces of gold a more...
Geology of the Tandai Project
Tandai is a high-grade, epithermal, intermediate-sulphidation system with gold-silver mineralisation hosted by a series of veins distributed over a vertical extent exceeding 500 metres.
Data last updated on : 2/25/2010
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