Maranhense Project
Country Brazil 
Province Tapajos
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Explores for Gold -
Last updated on 6/9/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Maranhense Project
Status Risk : Early discovery
Country Risk : Moderate
Title(s) of the Maranhense Project
Magellan Minerals Ltd
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Maranhense Project
The Maranhense property is located on the northwestern part of the Tocantinzinho trend, a crustal scale lineament that controls most of the important known deposits in the Tapajós Mineral Province (such as Sao Jorge, the Palito mine, Tocantinzinho (2.1M oz), and the Cuiú Cuiú project).
Geology of the Maranhense Project
The CPRM map which covers the Maranhense area highlights intrusive granitic rocks of the Parauari suite and sediments of the Buiuçu Formation. The Parauari suite granite hosts all of the gold deposits listed in the previous paragraph, and is known to more...
Data last updated on : 6/9/2010
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