TALLY HO Project
Country Australia 
Province Queensland
Close to Mackay
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Explores for Silver - Zinc -
Last updated on 12/28/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the TALLY HO Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the TALLY HO Project
Alcyone Resources
Owner: 100%
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Location of the TALLY HO Project
Tally Ho is located 45 kms south-west of Mackay in central coastal Queensland, and consists of two (2) Mining Leases (ML's 4770 and 4727), a surrounding Mineral Development Licence Application (MDL272) and a twenty-four (24) sub-block (76km²) Exploration Permit for Minerals EPM 15168 (Connors Range). Adjacent EPM 15775 (Dennison Creek) covers 78km² (23 sub-blocks).
Geology of the TALLY HO Project
The Tally Ho breccia lode crops out as a discontinuous lenses over a 400m along an 030º trend on the southern slope of a granite hill. Drilling by Macmin has revealed significant silver, zinc, copper, lead and gold mineralisation in the breccia. The  more...
Exploration and drilling
2/11/2008Prospective Area at Tally Ho Substantially Enhanced
Discoveries and Drilling Results
7/28/2008Tally Ho Prospect Update
4/29/2008Tally Ho Silver Project - UpdateContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7...
Data last updated on : 12/31/2006
All information on this page comes from internal and external sources deemed reliable. This information might not be up to date, so please perform due diligence before making any conclusion or making any action. Do contact us should any information be missing or incorrect.