Rockvale Project
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Last updated on 12/11/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Rockvale Project
Status Risk : Green exploration
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Rockvale Project
Silver Mines Limited
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History of the Rockvale Project
The Rockvale arsenic mine was discovered in 1923, and in the period to 1928, produced 2,950 tonnes of ore containing about 600 tonnes of white arsenic (arsenic trioxide, As2O3). Mineralisation occurred as irregular shoots in altered aplite within the more...
Geology of the Rockvale Project
This tenement embraces much of the central part of the Rockvale Adamellite which hosts zonally-arranged arsenic-silver-gold-antimony mineralisation both at its periphery, and within the intrusion on northeast or northwest fracture systems probably associated with aplite dykes.
Data last updated on : 12/31/2006
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