Mato Velho Project
Mato Velho
Country Brazil 
Province Pará
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Last updated on 6/9/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Mato Velho Project
Status Risk : Early discovery
Country Risk : Moderate
Title(s) of the Mato Velho Project
Magellan Minerals Ltd
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Mato Velho Project
Mato Velho is located in the state of Pará in northern Brazil and can be accessed by traveling 1070 kilometers north from Cuiaba to the town of Novo Progreso, on the BR 163 which is largely paved. Mato Velho is located 60 km south of Novo Progreso and is accessed via a farm trail which heads north-east for 35 km from the BR-163.
Geology of the Mato Velho Project
Seven northwest-southeast striking shear zones with quartz veins have so far been identified and have strike lengths of up to 1.7 km and cut acid volcanic rocks. The shear zones vary in width from 30 cm to several metres and are variably associated with pyrite and minor amounts of chalcopyrite and galena. The majority of the zones have not been explored or mined beneath the zone of oxidation.
Data last updated on : 6/9/2010
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