Sudbury Project
Country Canada 
Province Quebec
Status PRODUCTION  Mining Trend Timmins
Surface 67 km² / 16,506 acres
Latitude / Longitude 46 N 28 / 81 W 03
Print Valuation Travel To Property All neighbouring Properties Mines and deposits nearby All active properties nearby
Produces Copper - Nickel -
Explores for
Last updated on 1/10/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Sudbury Project
Status Risk : Production
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Sudbury Project
Xstrata plc
Owner: 100%
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Location of the Sudbury Project
The Sudbury project consists of approximately 350 mining claim units covering 14,000 acres in the Sudbury Mining Camp. Sudbury mines/mill operates three underground nickel/copper mines: Craig, Fraser and Lindsley. The Craig mine is currently Sudbury's largest mining operation
History of the Sudbury Project
Falconbridge has been mining nickel-copper ores in the Sudbury area of northern Ontario, Canada, since 1929. Today, the operations consist of underground mines, a mill and a smelter. These facilities are spread throughout the 60 kilometre-long, oval-shaped geological formation known as the Sudbury Basin.
Geology of the Sudbury Project
The nickel-copper ore deposits in Sudbury are associated with a large body of igneous rock known as the Sudbury Igneous Complex (SIC).
Data last updated on : 9/6/2006
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