Murninnie Project
Country Australia 
Province South australia
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Explores for Copper - Gold -
Last updated on 12/2/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Murninnie Project
Status Risk : Early discovery
Country Risk : Very Low
Title(s) of the Murninnie Project
Australasia Gold limited
Interest: 90%
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The Company’s initial interest was acquired in the Murninnie copper deposit and its strike extensions in August 2006.the Tenements are 100% owned by the Murninnie Mine Syndicate
Location of the Murninnie Project
Exploration Licence (“EL”) 3542 and Private Mine (“PM”) 156 (“the Tenements”) cover approximately 67 sq km, centred approximately 35 km SW of Whyalla and 55 km NE of Cowell in eastern Eyre Peninsula, South Australia
History of the Murninnie Project
Discovered in the early 1860’s, the Murninnie mine shipped a recorded (i.e. minimum) one thousand tonnes of high-grade oxidised ores of copper with variable bismuth content, before the beginning of the 20th Century, from lodes in a fracture zone in granitoid and metasedimentary metamorphic rocks of the Hutchison Group.
Geology of the Murninnie Project
The Tenements are situated in the southern part of the “Olympic Domain”, within the Gawler Craton.
Exploration and drilling
8/20/2010Update on Murninnie Uranium Joint Venture
Data last updated on : 9/22/2009
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