Ludwig von Mises
Ludwig von Mises was the acknowledged leader of the Austrian School of economic thought, a prodigious originator in economic theory, and a prolific author. Mises's writings and lectures encompassed economic theory, history, epistemology, government, and political philosophy.
QUOTES FROM Ludwig von Mises
Inflationism is the oldest of all fallacies
The class of those who have the ability to think their own thoughts is separated by un unbridgeable gulf from the class of those who cannot.
The government is the only agency that can take a valuable commodity like paper, slap some ink on it, and make it totally worthless.
Government cannot make man richer, but it can make him poorer.
A free press can only exist where there is private control of the means of production
Without a gold standard all other constitutional safeguards can be rendered vain
Keynesianism is the pseudo philosophy of those who can think of nothing else than dissipate the capital accumulated by previous generations
The unprecedented success of Keynesianism is due to the fact that is provides an apparent justification for deficit spending policies of goverments.
The “monetary crank” is the one who suggests a method for making everybody prosperous by monetary measures.
Inflation is essentially antidemocratic
The essence of Keynesianism is its complete failure to conceive the role that saving and capital accumulation play in the improvement of economic conditions.
Truth is not the halfway point between two untruths
A free press can exist only where there is private control on the means of production.
The greatest accomplishment of reason is the discovery of the advantages of social cooperation, and its corollary, the division of labor
The ultimate basis of an all around bureaucratic system is violence.
Imprudent granting of credit is bound to prove just as ruinous to a bank as to any other merchant.
The Welfare State is merely a method for transforming the market economy step by step into socialism.
Every step toward the elimination of profit is progress on the way toward social disintegration.
There is no means of avoiding the final collapse of a boom brought about by credit expansion
Man has only one tool to fight error: reason
There is really no essential difference between the unlimited power of the democratic state and the unlimited power of the autocrat.
Representative democracy cannot subsist if a great part of the voters are on the government pay roll.
Government is the negation of liberty
If one regards inflation as an evil, then one has to stop inflating. One has to balance the budget of the government.
Progress is precisely that which the rules and regulations did not foresee
Socialism knows no freedom of choice in occupation. Everyone has to do what he is told to do and to go where he is sent Ludwig von Mises
Under the division of labor, the structure of society rests on the shoulders of all men and women Ludwig von Mises
The class of those who have the ability to think their own thoughts is separated by an unbridgeable gulf from the class of those who cannot Ludwig von Mises