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Cours Or & Argent

Why gold is up today . . .

IMG Auteur
Publié le 01 juin 2017
206 mots - Temps de lecture : moins d'une minute
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Rubrique : Or et Argent

Up $10 as this is posted.

A Wall Street Journal article published this morning might have inspired new  fund/institutional buying.  The WSJ is often used by the Fed to channel messages to the market and this looks like one of those articles. It suggests that a rate hike might be on hold for September although the June hike is still a likelihood.  The article cited political wrangling in Congress and a possible government shutdown as primary reasons for putting September on hold.  Another aspect of the Fed’s agenda – unwinding the balance sheet – was also covered. It seems the board is leaning toward retiring its holdings gradually as debt instruments mature rather than any sort of wholesale dumping. The go-slow approach is meant, according to the WSJ, as an attempt to ward off a future “taper tantrum” in the bond market.  Gold apparently likes the new agenda, or at the very least, likes the fact that the Fed has decided to be cautious on both rates and the balance sheet.  MK

Here’s a Barron’s take on the Wall Street Journal article: Will Political Wrangling Alter The Fed’s Rate Hike And Taper Timeline – Uncertainty in Washington may shake up the central bank’s plans beyond June.

Source : www.usagold.com
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