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Cours Or & Argent
Roca Honda
Pays USA 
Etat / Province New mexico
Près de Mt taylor
Latitude / Longitude 35 N 16 / 107 W 43
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Développe Uranium -
Dernière mise à jour le 25/01/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Feasibility
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
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VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
Owner: 100%
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David Miller acquired a new State Mining Lease for Section 16, Lease Number HG 0036 in November 2004 and subsequently assigned the Lease to Strathmore Resources US, Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Strathmore.
Uranium Resources Inc.
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The Roca Honda uranium property consists of 63 unpatented mining claims located on land owned by the Federal government and administered by the US Bureau of Land Management (BLM). In addition, the property includes one State of New Mexico Lease. The combined land package is 745 hectares (1,840 acres) in size. The Roca Honda property is not adjacent to, or near land owned by the Navajo Nation
Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, Inc staked the Roca Honda unpatented mining claims in Sections 9 and 10 on June 29 and 30, 1965, and then recorded the location notices and affidavits in the McKinley County Courthouse. Kerr-McGee Oil Industries, its subs Plus...
Mineralization occurs in the Westwater Member of the Morrison Formation at depths ranging from 1,700 on Section 17 to over 3,300 feet in Section 13.
Exploration and drilling
18/03/2013(Strathmore Min.)United States Forest Service Publishes Draft EIS for Strathm...
14/10/2011(Strathmore Min.)s Mine Permitting and Mill Licensing Activities at Roca Hond...
13/10/2010(Strathmore Min.)Updates Roca Honda, New Mexico Uranium Development Project
02/12/2009(Strathmore Min.)Roca Honda Mine Permit Application Deemed Administratively C...
27/10/2009(Strathmore Min.)Submits Roca Honda, New Mexico Uranium Mine Permit Applicati...
03/02/2009(Strathmore Min.)2008 Year End Review of Operations at Wyoming & New Mexico U...
29/01/2009(Strathmore Min.)s Roca Honda, New Mexico, Uranium Development Project
27/08/2008(Triex Minerals)Drilling Starts At Riverlake Property, Saskatchewan
21/05/2008(Triex Minerals)Acquisition And Exploration Update
08/02/2008(Triex Minerals)Athabasca Basin Exploration Update
22/01/2008(Fission Energy)Commence Drilling at Duddridge Lake Uranium Project
14/11/2007(Triex Minerals)Athabasca Basin Update
14/05/2007(Strathmore Min.)Receives Permit to Drill Roca Honda Project in New Mexico
20/09/2006(Triex Minerals)Update for Athabasca Basin Drill Projects
30/08/2006(Triex Minerals)Athabasca Basin Exploration Update
Discoveries and Drilling Results
01/10/2008(Fission Energy)Announces Exploration Results at Duddridge Lake Uranium Proj...
03/09/2008(Strathmore Min.)Receives Positive Core Assay Results from Monitor Well Insta...
06/09/2007(Strathmore Min.)Discovers New High Grade Uranium Mineralization at Roca Hond...
04/09/2006(Strathmore Min.)Encounters Uranium Mineralization at Waterbury Lake
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 30/09/2007
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