WO property & DO-27 Kimberlite |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
Northwest territories |
Statut |
Superficie |
151 km² / 37 329 acres |
Latitude / Longitude |
64 N 30 / 110 W 30 |
Risques / Pays : Tres bas |
| Peregrine Diamonds Ltd. Joint venture: 71,74% |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
The Company has a 71.74% interest in a joint venture formed to explore for diamonds at the WO |
located approximately 300 kilometres NNE of Yellowknife in the Northwest Territories, Canada. The property is approximately 23 km southeast of the DiavikTM Diamond Mine and is 11 km east of the main Tibbitt to Contwoyto winter ice road
The DO-27 kimberlite was discovered in 1993 by Kennecott Canada Exploration Inc. ("Kennecott") and partners
The property hosts a number of diamondiferous kimberlites, including the plus nine hectare DO-27 pipe and the plus 4 hectare DO-18 pipe
Discoveries and Drilling Results | |
Données mises à jour le : 31/12/2006
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