Tarkwa |
Pays |
Près de |
Tarkwa |
Statut |
Latitude / Longitude |
5 N 39 / 2 W 49 |
The Tarkwa Gold Mine is located in south western Ghana, about 300 kilometres by road west of Accra, the capital. It is situated some 4 km west of the town of Tarkwa with good access roads and an established infrastructure and is served by a main road connecting to the port of Takoradi some 60 km to the southeast on the Atlantic coast.
GFGL was incorporated in 1993 to hold the Tarkwa concessions. In June 1993, the Government of Ghana entered into an agreement with GFGL under which GFGL would operate the mine under a management contract. The mine then became known as Tarkwa Gold Fie Plus...
Gold mineralization at the Tarkwa Gold Mine is hosted by Proterozoic Tarkwanian metasediments, which unconformably overlie a Birimian greenstone belt sequence.
Historique de production |
Métal | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 |
GOLD (oz) | 721 000 | 612 000 | 646 100 | 553 000 | 555 000 | 524 000 |
Données mises à jour le : 31/12/2008
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