Flinders Mines Limited

Published : June 17th, 2016

Becoming a substantial holder

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Becoming a substantial holder


Our rofer•nce

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Joi Rogen,

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Joi "'0' @oadens.eom GndensLawyors

AON 29 991 9J5 627

17 June 2016

Market Announcement Office

ASX Limited

20 Bridge Street


By fax 1300 136 638

ASIC Form 603 - Corrective notice

We act on behalf of OCJ Investments (Australia) Pty Ltd (OCJ).

Luval :15

eourkc PlaCI:

AOO n, urk11 Stroal MAlbo;1111t1 VIC 3(11)0


Gl'O ox 48

Melbornc VIC 3001

nx :JOl M,ilboume

1' •61 3 Q252 2555

r •61 ;i 9,.5; 7500

We attach a Form 603 "Notice of initial substantial holder" which upoates the Form 604 "Notice of change of Interest& of substantial holder" lodged by OCJ on 4 March 2016. ·rhe attached Form 603 discloses the relevant Interest of entitles that are technically deemed to be "ossoclotes" of OCJ under thii Corporations Act 2001 (Clh) (Corporation, Act) In the shares in Flinders Mines Ltd (FMS) held by OCJ,

The associateo enllties do not hold any shares in FMS in their own right. There has also been a recent increase in the previously announced voting power of OCJ arising from on-market pureheses of

1.600.000 FMS shares on 8 March 2016. 'rhe lncre:iise In oc.1·voting power would not orrlinarily have

necessitated disclosure under section 671B of the Corporations Act.

Yours faithfully

V ' 'IL /"\_---

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/" ,_.,,....-"' ........

ot Roger,




IJadens • Notice

· · --·----

If you reeelv1> thislax by mistake, please notify us a,ld do not meke My use of th f x. We do not w ive any prlvil"lle, coofidntialitu

or cupyrlght assoclalerj with I . '


Form 603

Corporations Act 2001

90011011 $111

Notice of initial substantial holder

603 page 212 1 July 200·1

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rel1;1v111nt lrlO,r t (3) in on the date the &LlbfitanUal l'\older bcclilmG a &ub&.lan11111 hcil,11ffr Ill , ,llowi:,;

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!Fully Paid.Ordinary Sh•re•

3, D•talls Of relevant intereabi

The nature ot the relevant 11'\Wrst tho 1ubato1Ula1 h1,lIm •••nlnllowln votlno •01.>ritl..on tho dote th• •uboU.ntlol holdor beoomo •

Chunlln Cuyang

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OCJ 1nve$lmun1, Ply lid

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OCJ ln11l"ty L.td by virtue of

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OCJ lrwootmonto l"ty Ltd h•• • ratcvonl

l 1566.600.000 1ul1Y u1y •haw,

Interest In tho shoros ;,,FIIMor"o MIM• . .

..td it hold by virtu5 of [email protected] 608(1) of µu,

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E:ci, of Gh11nlln Ovyan9'3 controlftd

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>io ed in Appenolx II (ottior lhon OCJ

lnve1tme11ts Pty Ltd)

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1nve3tmo1110 Ply LICI (o dollnod In section 12(2)(0) of tho Corporations Ac!)

ond t'""" th• ••me voting powor in

r-11naoni Minoa Lt 11s OCJ lnv,otmenu;

(Auslralia) f>ty Ltd by vlituo ol ..otlon

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OM00.000 lully p•id 11r1Ji11ary shaf1!lo

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4 Details of preaent reglstorod holdora

Thu 1ieflloos !'!'Ql e!_tld.o.s [email protected]'ll of Iii secutl_ ..relerrod to In pal'lllgrapll 3 hove are ss follows: ·-....

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s con1ldoratlon

The com,idorauon paid for each relav•nt inblrest refrred lo in piraRroph 3 abov•. nd ocquired in lhQ forrr months prior to II>• oay that tho ut,otonllol holder

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bec:an,o .a subKt,11ntl 11I holdor is " fc;illows:

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During tilt P••l 4 montho, atiors wera 1r.r111tred und•r lt1•

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with tho h1gl1••1 trde at $0.009

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•• dottly ulOU! InPlrllGl'8Ph ? ol'"' tom,. .



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(7) lndude dele!lt ot.

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(8) 11111• wl»tonW.I nor.lo,· lo """hlo to detorrniM U.. idonlily ollho pe, (og, 1flllt! reliwar!l ln!•"ISt Jrit.M lll!lr.llUilll of on cpoon;, t• "un

(9J Do,al1$ ol:ho eon-irtlon mui11ni;JW any an.d .Q""'""!"ar.a other. tllat ill'y ptt;Qn l'1lm whom a ,.-,n ,nr,irest was acq;,irea ••, "'


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nontt11011nc;ii·. o,,111111S 111u111 t,,i tncluclcd of any benllll pafQ on !Nlhail cl Ill& eulilntlll holder Qf 11$ . .,.1,1 ro1ot1a11 10 •• ooq1111lt1on,, "1.1,,1

...not P•ld dlrudly I• !hi! POO!OO froru WIIOrn the relev•nt inlotll'OI WH QCQUlrad.


603 GUID A a '1/1 13 Mim:11 2000

This guide does not form part of the prescribed form and Is Included by ASIC to assist you in completing and lodging form 603.


Lodging period

Lodging Fee

Other forms to be


Additional Information


Tiii• form must be GignQd by ollh•r a director or a secretary of IJ1Q substan11111 l1idffr.




M I!

pl':lpr j;lnni,xed to the foon.

  1. This 1,ot1co must be given 10 11 llslocl omnp•ny, or 1h• roponslble entity for a listed ma11agecl ln1'86tment scheme.

    A r.npy of thl notice must also M gl\/cn to Moh rolovant socullllos a,«:llang•.

  2. The pe; on must give a copy 11f llcl• rmllrAI:

0) within 2 buii1111il' ,!ij- d1;y:,,. ffl:ftt1r U,@y l;)i:IIC9m@ ware Qflh@ inforrnttion: Qr

  1. by 9.30 am on the next trading dBy of LM t'lltlov.int tMull•,1:h111lfl• 01101' !hoy ho.,i,m• •w•"' of 1he

    infun11aliat1 if:

  2. a tokoovor bid lo madolor voling •h•r•• In L11• oompany c,r """"9 11111")1• Inlhe chemt; and

  3. ([I) tho pcroon bocomo owuro ol 11,0 inform•tio" dunng tho bid ponod.

    TQ make: "nyannexur@ confonn to 1110 regulations, you n'HJ$I

    uso A4 sizo popor ol whllo o,· light p••tel ,:ol,,ur with • maraln of al le..t 10mm on •II •Id••

    2 Shi'.!v, th'=! i::c)rpt11·i:11litJn n:i1me a.nd ACN or AR:8N

    3 r1urr1httr th, p e, c:on,ecutlvely

    4 print or type In BLOCK lottors In dark blu• or black Ink so th•t lh• 1J1)cumnl ls clnrly legible when photocopied

    5 identify the annoxuro with • rnark """" •• A, B, (:, 1

    5 ondorso tho """"""'" with I/lo word•:

    T/ils is ennexure rmark) of ()iumberJ p.JgfJ.s rer-0rmd to 1r) 1ortt1 (Ja(Jrt 11f1rnt1t1r i:lnrt titl)

    7 sign and date 1he annexure.

    The a1111exure must be 11ignad by U\Q sam• plinmn($) who signed the form.

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Flinders Mines Limited

ISIN : AU000000FDL3
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Flinders Mines is a exploration company based in Australia.

Flinders Mines holds various exploration projects in Australia.

Its main exploration property is LOBETHAL (ECHUNGA JV) in Australia.

Flinders Mines is listed in Australia. Its market capitalisation is AU$ 2.2 billions as of today (US$ 1.6 billions, € 1.5 billions).

Its stock quote reached its lowest recent point on March 04, 2016 at AU$ 0.01, and its highest recent level on March 05, 2021 at AU$ 1.65.

Flinders Mines has 3 193 779 968 shares outstanding.

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6/29/2016Issue of Shares Upon Vesting of Performance Rights
6/29/2016Management Changes
6/27/2016Variation of Takeover Bid
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6/15/2016Change in substantial holding
6/9/2016Second Supplementary Bidder's Statement
6/6/2016Change in substantial holding
6/6/2016Variation of Takeover Bid
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