Articles related to Paper gold
Mark O'Byrne -
A beginner's guide to investing in Gold 
One’s motivation for buying gold is fundamental to deciding in which form you should buy it. Are you a speculator, investor or saver? Do you wish to take a short term speculative position in gold? Are you investing for the short, medium or long term? Or are you diversifying, saving or using gold as a form of financial insurance?
Wednesday, March 3, 2021
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
The Vanishing Of The Gold Basis and... 
The gold basis is defined as the difference between the nearby futures price and the cash price of gold in the same location. A positive basis is called contango; a negative one, backwardation. Since there were no organized futures markets in gold prior to 1971, the history of gold basis is confined to the last 35 or so years Gold futures trading started on the Winnipeg Commodity Exchange in Canada in 1971 at a time when ownership and trading of gold was still illegal in the United States. Upon becoming legal the bulk of gold futures
Tuesday, January 12, 2021
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
More dress rehearsal for the last contango
You have to remember that the basis is widely used as a guide in the huge arbitrage operations between gold holdings and dollar balances and in the gold carry trade. To participate in this arbitrage you must have gold on deposit in Comex warehouses. But with the vanishing of the gold basis the profitability of this arbitrage as well as that of the gold carry trade has been drying up, which explains the dwindling of warehouse stocks.
Saturday, January 9, 2021
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
That Accursed Propensity To Save 
Monday, December 7, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Forward Thinking On Backwardation
Thursday, October 8, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
  The Supply of Oxen at the IMF
Wednesday, October 7, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Gibson’s Paradox The Gold Price
Sunday, September 6, 2020
Steve Saville - Speculative Investor
Basic Gold Market Facts 
Here are ten basic gold-market realities that are either unknown or ignored by many gold 'experts'.1. Supply always equals demand, with the price changing to maintain the equivalence. In this respect the gold market is no different from any other market that clears, but it's incredible how often comments like "demand is increasing relative to supply" appear in gold-related articles.2. The supply of gold is the total aboveground gold inventory, which is currently somewhere in the 150K-200K tonne
Friday, August 14, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Keeping our Eyes Peeled for the Silver and Gold Basis
Here is a question for the discriminating observer. How is it that interest-rate derivatives do not obey the Law of Supply and Demand? The more there are of them, the more they are in demand
Monday, August 10, 2020
Adrian Ash - Bullion Vault
Precious Metals Leasing Explained
Whatis precious metals leasing, and why is it done...? LEASINGis an integral part of the precious metals market,writes Miguel Perez-Santalla at BullionVault. Why is it necessary? For a diverse number of reasons, the first is the need for industry to borrow instead of buying outright the metal. This enables them to avoid owning the metal at a fixed price if they have not yet contracted to sell their product.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Richard J. Greene - Thunder Capital
  Just Remember… They’ve been telling your Gold is a barbaric relic for decades now ! 
Whatever you do, gold and silver investors, don't ever forget how they claimed gold and silver were mere trinkets, not worthy of consideration as backing for money. Keep this one point firmly etched front and center for all to see. Never let it go out of sight for even one moment. For if the politicians, the bankers, the Treasury officials, various spokesmen for the Fed, or the money powers ever go back on that claim, you will have all the proof you will ever need that their claim was nothing but a longstanding hoax perpetrated to rob blind the uninformed and unconcerned "sheople". Let's just make sure they stay with that viewpoint and take it to their grave. If not they will clearly be coming after your gold and silver in an attempt to make it theirs. They may even be so bold to use the well worn line, "I am from the government and I am here to help you."
Monday, May 18, 2020
Antal E. Fekete - Gold University
Remobilize Gold To Save The World Economy!
Let me explain. Gold is the only ultimate extinguisher of debt. Other extinguishers do, of course, exist but they are not ultimate in that they have a counterpart in the liability column of the balance sheet of someone else. Gold has no such liability attached to it. Gold is where the buck stops. It is this property
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
What is Freegold
Four years ago, Freegoldtube made a video titled "What is Freegold?" It evolved out of a series of events that began with the stunning collapse in the price of gold, from $1,600 down to $1,380 in first half of April, 2013. That collapse caused Jim Sinclair to email me asking about Freegold, which caused him to then make some confusing posts on his own blog about Freegold, which caused Ein Anderer to suggest that we were in "urgent need" of a short and simple explanation of Freegold. He persist
Friday, May 1, 2020
All Paper is STILL a short position on gold 
The gold derivatives pyramid is a vigorous free market creature. It cannot be put down with a simple declaration that the paper is no longer redeemable in gold, as governments did with currency. It is a short selling scheme that has become a trap from which few short sellers will escape
Friday, April 17, 2020
Mark O'Byrne -
RaboDirect Closing – Gold May Protect From Irish Banks Going Belly Up Again
– RaboDirect Ireland to close online savings accounts in Irish market on May 16– RaboDirect holds over €3 billion in deposits from its 90,000 Irish customers– Irish savers now exposed to still indebted Irish banks and bail-ins – David Kerr mentions “one of note” GoldCore and GoldSaver on RTE radioRaboDirect, the online savings bank, is set to close the deposit accounts of all 90,000 customers by May 16. Rabodirect’s 90,000 depositors have more than €3 billion on deposit with the bank.
Friday, March 9, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
RaboDirect Closing – Gold May Protect From Irish Banks Going “Belly Up Again” – Finuncane
– RaboDirect Ireland to close online savings accounts in Irish market on May 16– RaboDirect holds over €3 billion in deposits from its 90,000 Irish customers– Irish savers now exposed to still indebted Irish banks and bail-ins – Marian Finucane heard recently that buying gold is for “ordinary people” and not just for “rich and posh people” – By owning gold “if banks go belly up again you would be covered” – Finucane – David Kerr mentions “one of note” GoldCore and GoldSaver – Deposito
Tuesday, March 6, 2018
Mark O'Byrne -
  Gold $10,000 Goldnomics Podcast Quotations and Transcript
In the latest Goldnomics latest podcast, we consider whether the gold price will reach $10,000 per ounce in the coming years and what factors will drive prices. Watch on YouTube or read the quotations and transcript below. Dave: Hello and welcome to the Goldnomics podcast where we look at global markets through the lens of precious metals. And you can keep your eye out for new episodes on iTunes, on SoundCloud and also on YouTube and you can like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter. And wso
Sunday, March 4, 2018
Egon von Greyerz - Matterhorn AM
US economics is extremely predictable. It doesn’t matter who is President and what party he comes from. Because every president will spend more money than the US can afford. On average, US Federal debt has doubled every 8 years since Reagan came to power in 1981. And Trump has just fulfilled the prediction. The budget deal that has been agreed is guaranteed to produce substantial deficits in coming years. The current year’s deficit might be just under $1 trillion but thereafter it is virtually g
Friday, February 16, 2018
Ronan Manly - Bullion Star
What’s Happening (or Not) at the LBMA: Some Updates
This article is in 3 parts and covers a) upcoming trade reporting in the London gold market which is being led by the London Bullion Market Association (LBMA), b) the recent publication by the LBMA of a Guide to the London OTC precious metals markets, and c) an update on monthly vault reporting which the LBMA and the Bank of England launched in 2017. LBMA Trade Reporting The lack of trade reporting in the London gold market is possibly one of the biggest ommissions in global financial markets, s
Thursday, February 1, 2018
Chris Powell - GATA
Gold's revaluation is 'just a matter of time,' but then so is everything else
Our friend P.C. writes: "As a long-time GATA follower, I fully subscribe to the understanding that markets generally, and particularly the precious metal markets, are controlled to keep international exchange and trade 'stable' and maintain 'Western' market wealth. But I have a question you may be able to answer. "If the major players in the futures and paper markets are able to contain prices with impunity, who is on the buying side who can compete? Why is there such volatility and any upward m
Sunday, January 28, 2018

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