Articles related to reserve |
| Sprott Money |
Death Valley Snowballs and Fiat Currencies - Gary Christenson |
Keep it simple!
Snowballs have a short life expectancy in Death Valley.
Fiat currencies, backed by credit and debt, survive longer than
snowballs in Death Valley, but history shows all fiat currencies are
inflated into worthlessness and eventually die.
“U.S. dollars have value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply.”
Ben Bernanke on November 21, 2002. But we know the supply of dollars
has grown rapidly since 1971, and especially after the 2008 crisis while
BernaThursday, February 18, 2021 |
![]( | Frank Shostak |
Why We Now Measure Gold in Dollars — and Not the Other Way Around |
Prior to 1933, the name "dollar" was used to refer to a unit of gold that had a weight of 23.22 grains. Since there are 480 grains in one ounce, this means that the name dollar also stood for 0.048 ounce of gold. This in turn, means that one ounce of gold referred to $20.67.Observe that $20.67 is not the price of one ounce of gold in terms of dollars as popular thinking has it, for there is no such entity as a dollar. Dollar is just a name for 0.048 ounce of gold. On this Rothbard wrote,No one pWednesday, February 10, 2021 |
![]( | Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco. |
The origin of cycles |
It was Karl Marx who was among the first believers that cyclical behaviour was endemic to free markets.He lived through a time when there was a regular cycle of boom and bust, with phases of economic expansion followed by contraction. Workers were employed and then unemployed, and the only way this could be stopped, in Marxian economics, was for the workers to acquire the means of production, or more correctly, the state to do so on their behalf.Other economists, such as Jevons and Wicksell, recSunday, January 24, 2021 |
![]( | Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze |
The History of Money: Peru |
Peru is the nineteenth largest country in the world and is a diverse land,
both in terms of people and geography. It is populated by over 29.2 million
peopl, largely descended from Spanish settlers, native
Inca, and pre-Inca cultures. Peru has three national languages: Spanish, Aymara,
and the native Quechua, reflecting the native Indian and Spanish roots that
cultivTuesday, January 19, 2021 |
| Graham Summer - Gains Pains & Capital |
The West Will Become The New ‘Third World’: PricewaterhouseCoopers ![](../style/all/img/articles/Large_5.png) |
Hold your real assets outside of the banking system in one of many private international facilities -->
The West Will Become The New ‘Third World’: PricewaterhouseCoopers
Written by Jeff Nielson (CLICK HERE FOR ORIGINAL)
First World
The term “First World” refers to so called developed, capitalist, industrial countries, roughly, a bloc of countries aligned with the United States after word war II, with more or less common political and economiSunday, January 17, 2021 |
| Bullion Vault |
Gold Bullion Gains Extend ETF Growth as Inflation Worries Hit 'Even the Yellen Fed' |
GOLD BULLION held around $1240 per ounce in London trade Thursday, retaining its 3-month high as commodity markets pushed towards new 18-month records.
With energy costs
already driving up headline inflation rates worldwide, Brent crude oil today rose above $55 per barrel as Nymex natural gas contracts traded 90% above their price of this time last year.
Silver bullion held firm witTuesday, January 12, 2021 |
![]( | Mike Hewitt - Dollar Daze |
America's Forgotten War Against the Central Banks |
"Let me issue and control a nation's money supply, and I care not who makes
its laws." (Mayer Amschel Rothschild, Founder of Rothschild Banking Dynasty)
Many prominent Americans such as Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and
Andrew Jackson have argued and fought against the central banking polices used
throughout Europe.
A note issued by a central bank, such as the Federal Reserve Note, is bank
currency. These notes are given to the government in exchange for an interest-bearing
gTuesday, January 5, 2021 |
![]( | George F. Smith - Barbarous Relic |
Fielding my grandson’s questions about gold and banking |
My grandson had quite a day at school.He had learned that the economy had been suffering from things called Panics, capital P, during the 19th century and had another big one in the early 20th century.He had been told that responsible, public-spirited men like J. P. Morgan had organized a central bank to prevent those Panics.He and other bankers finally got the government to go along with their idea and pass it into law in late 1913.And wouldn’t you know it — we’ve had no more Panics since then.Thursday, December 24, 2020 |
| Sprott Money |
The Secret of Wealth Preservation - Jeff Nielson |
We have a failure to communicate. The vast
majority of the investment public in the Western world has no understanding –
at all – about how to preserve and protect their wealth. Of the minority of the
investment community with some understanding of wealth preservation, almost
invariably it is a flawed understanding.
Understanding wealth preservation begins
with having a detailed and correct understanding of
Understanding money begins with correctly comprehending the difference betweWednesday, December 23, 2020 |
![]( | Frank Shostak |
Why Fractional-Reserve Banking Would Be Limited in an Unhampered Market ![](../style/all/img/articles/Large_5.png) |
The so-called multiplier arises as a result of the fact that banks are legally permitted to use money that is placed in demand deposits. Banks treat this type of money as if it was loaned to them, thus loaning it out while simultaneously allowing depositors to spend that money.RELATED: "Austrians, Fractional Reserves, and the Money Multiplier" by Robert BatemarcoFor example, if John places $100 in demand deposit at Bank One he doesn't relinquish his claim over the deposited $100. He has unlimiteTuesday, December 22, 2020 |
![]( | Gordon Long - Market Analytics |
China Potentially Threatens a Near Term Us Treasury Short Squeeze! |
Problems in China are looming on top of an already very tenuous and misunderstood
situation in the US Financial Markets. Additionally, Federal Reserve Policy has
made the situation even more combustible!
As a result of a Trump Victory inspired bond market massacre there are now
few places that a yield starved world can presently find better risk-adjusted
yields than in US Treasuries. With China now being forced to sell their FX
Reserves and thereby creating the much needed supply so eTuesday, December 15, 2020 |
![]( | Nathan Lewis - New World Economics |
Why Base Your Money On Gold A Simple Answer For First-Timers ![](../style/all/img/articles/Large_5.png) |
The United States embraced the principle of a gold standard – a dollar whose value was linked to a defined quantity of gold – from 1789 to 1971, a stretch of 182 years. During this time, the U.S. was the most successful of any major country, expanding from thirteen war-ravaged states along the AtlanticSunday, November 15, 2020 |
![]( | John Butler - Goldmoney |
Financial crisis dynamics, the ‘shadow’ gold demand, and Mene |
The study of financial crises is as old as the economics discipline itself. One of the most prominent theorists of financial crises ever to hold a senior Federal Reserve policy position was John Exter, vice-president of the New York Federal Reserve during the 1950s. Several years ago I co-wrote a series of essays on Exter’s theories together with his sonin- law, Barry Downs. In this paper, building on Exter’s work, including his eponymous ‘pyramid’, I introduce a new ‘hourglass’ framework for unSaturday, November 14, 2020 |
![]( | Robert P. Murphy |
The Gold Standard Did not Cause the Great Depression |
Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics 19, no. 1 (Spring 2016): 101–111[The Midas Paradox: Financial Markets, Government Policy Shocks, and the Great Depression by Scott Sumner]The Midas Paradox is an impressive piece of scholarship, representing the magnum opus of economist Scott Sumner. What makes the book so unique is Sumner’s use of real-time financial data and press accounts in order to explain not just broad issues—such as, “What caused the Great Depression?”—but to offer commentary on thThursday, November 12, 2020 |
![]( | Nathan Lewis - New World Economics |
God, Gold and Guns |
We’ve been looking into One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter.
October 2, 2017: One Nation Under Gold (2017), by James Ledbetter
October 14, 2017: One Nation Under Gold #2: The Silliness of the Bretton Woods Years
Now, we will follow Ledbetter’s account of the end of Bretton Woods in 1971, up to the present.
The account of the 1971 devaluation was, following the pattern of this book, long on details but short on insight. It seemed to people at the time that they “had no choice,” thatSaturday, October 24, 2020 |
![]( | Nathan Lewis - New World Economics |
Blame Gold |
We have been talking about The Midas Paradox (2015), by Scott Sumner.
July 23, 2017: The Midas Paradox (2015), by Scott Sumner.
As you probably guessed from the three-word title, the book can be summarized in two words, which are: “blame gold.”
This, as we have seen, is actually a relatively new notion, even if it enjoys some popularity today. The general consensus, which later (after 1950) became the Keynesian consensus, did not blame gold, or indeed, monetary policy in general, for the Great DFriday, July 3, 2020 |
![]( | Frank Shostak |
Why Wage Growth Is So Weak ![](../style/all/img/articles/Large_5.png) |
The yearly growth rate of average hourly earnings in production and non-supervisory employment in the private sector eased to 2.3% in June from 2.4% in May.Many experts are puzzled by the subdued increase in workers earnings. After all, it is held the US economy has been in an expansionary phase for quite some time now.
Softer real output growth important reason why hourly earnings remain under pressureAccording to the US Government’s own data, since 2000, in terms of industrial productiFriday, June 19, 2020 |
![]( | Nathan Lewis - New World Economics |
The View From 2011 |
Today, we will continue our discussion of the “gold sterilization” of 1937.
June 18, 2017: The “Gold Sterilization” of 1937
June 25, 2017: The “Gold Sterilization” of 1937 #2: Fumbling and Bumbling
We will look at an influential 2011 paper by Douglas Irwin, available here:
All in all, I think the paper is pretty good, at least in its basic descriptions. It meanders into the usual channels of pointless Monetarism, with some equally pointless math, but it doesThursday, June 11, 2020 |
![]( | Mike Maloney - Goldsilver |
Gold Silver Confiscation: Can the Government Seize Assets |
One concern of retail precious metals investors is the possibility of a gold confiscation.Imagine having the forethought to buy gold to shield your finances from an economic or monetary crisis—only to have it taken away from you by your government. You’d lose not just the protective buffer you put in place but potentially a chunk of your net worth.Gold confiscation may sound preposterous to investors used to securities or real estate. But it’s happened in the past enough times to make it a reasoMonday, June 1, 2020 |
![]( | Nathan Lewis - New World Economics |
The “Gold Sterilization” of 1937 |
Today, we will start investigating the U.S. recession of 1937, and along with that, claims that the Federal Reserve caused it by some sort of misbehavior. As is our usual practice, we will begin with just looking at some general information about that time.
Industrial production had a short, sharp shock in 1937.
Here’s what it looked like in terms of nominal GDP:
I am not going to try to disentangle what was going on at that time. There were a lot of things, from the introduction of Social SecThursday, May 21, 2020 |