| James Howard Kunstler |
Trauma Programming (9) |
You'll probably catch a lot of hell on this one James. This thing about the superfluous ( nonessential, redundant, unneeded, excess, extra, (to) spare, remaining, unused, left over, in excess, waste ) caught fire once ALREADY among us "Deplorables." We have but to look at The Case of Julian Assange to see that one side considers him "superfluous" while the other side certainly knows he has always been needed an... |
| James Howard Kunstler |
Worse Than Hitler (16) |
James, the flaws, defects and shortcomings you point out in Trump are all true. I, for one, would NEVER, EVER vote for Trump . . . . . . except for TWO rock-solid, set in granite, absolutely dependable, legitimate, resolute, credible and authentic reasons.
One: If “not” Trump then it will have to be someone else. ALL the others in the race (with the possible exception of Bernie . . no last name needed)... |
8/24/2015 at 8:21 PM | 5 0 Rating : 5 1 Answer | Permalink |
| James Howard Kunstler |
The Darkest Pool (19) |
James, there's a country song that just came out by The Band Perry called "DONE". The lyrics read a lot like it was written about America's current predicament ~ although ~ the song is intended to be the ending of a love/hate relationship between Lovers. This collapse, manipulation, to-big-to-fail, Iraq, Egypt, al-Qada, jobs picture, student loan fiasco, M F Global, . . . . . . I could go on and on . . . whe... |
7/9/2013 at 3:04 AM | 2 1 Rating : 1 1 Answer | Permalink |
| James Howard Kunstler |
Christmas Story (21) |
James, I read this story on your blog, on Monday, and it brought back memories of the Fezziwig Chapter: when old Fezziwig threw the Christmas Party for Bob Marley, Ebeneezer Scrooge, all his friends and family. There's a story I can tell you of some beautiful, old, magnificent buildings (right around here) that are caving in on themselves. Oh, there are a few of us, poor but getting by, who would put our time... |
12/11/2012 at 1:37 PM | 3 1 Rating : 2 1 Answer | Permalink |
| Mish - Global Economic Analysis |
By 2015 Hard Commodity Prices Will Collapse; Australia's Mining Boom Dies (3) |
Mish, your reasoning is fine ~ for as far as it goes ~ but since you're projecting into 2015 I believe you're leaving out the insanity of the world's current leaders and their desire for a MUCH LARGER war: much sooner than 2015. (I mean a larger war than the BIG one going on now in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Libya, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, Tunisia, Palestine, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt and sometimes Jordan.) The larger wa... |
9/23/2012 at 6:13 PM | 4 1 Rating : 3 | Permalink |