SCRAPER Project |
Country |
Province |
Nevada |
Close to |
Elko |
Status |
Latitude / Longitude |
41 N 27 / 116 W 35 |
Risk and valuation analysis of the SCRAPER Project |
Status Risk : Green exploration |
Location of the SCRAPER Project |
The Scraper Property is located 72 km (45 miles) north of Battle Mountain, Nevada, and is located directly on the northern extension of the prolific Carlin Trend of gold deposits.
History of the SCRAPER Project |
The area was first drilled by Western States Minerals, which drilled 13 holes to a maximum vertical depth of 198 m (650 ft). Western States drill hole SS-1 encountered a strongly anomalous gold zone from 93 to 143 m (305 to 470 ft), including 26 m (8 more...
Geology of the SCRAPER Project |
The property covers a volcanic center cored by a diorite intrusive cutting Upper Plate Vinini Formation cherts and siltstones. Highly altered volcanic rocks, coeval with the intrusive, lie marginal to the central core, with Vinini Formation exposed in erosional windows below the volcanic package.
Data last updated on : 1/10/2008
All information on this page comes from internal and external sources deemed reliable. This information might not be up to date, so please perform due diligence before making any conclusion or making any action. Do contact us should any information be missing or incorrect.