Sinchao Project
Country Peru 
Close to Cajamarca
Latitude / Longitude 06 S 31 / 78 W 28
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Last updated on 3/31/2010 - Terms of Use
Risk and valuation analysis of the Sinchao Project
Status Risk : Advanced discovery
Country Risk : Important
Title(s) of the Sinchao Project
Sinchao Metals Corp
Owner: 100%
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Sinchao Metals now owns 100% of the Sinchao Property. Four mineralized systems have been identified on the Sinchao Property: the Skarn Zone, the Breccia Zone, the High Sulphidation Epithermal Zone and the Massive Sulphide Lenses.
VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
Owner: 58%
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Sinchao Metals Corp., of which Andean American Mining Corp. owns 58%, was formed by Andean American in April 2006. Sinchao Metals now owns 100% of the Sinchao Property.
Location of the Sinchao Project
The Sinchao property lies within the Yanacocha-Hualgayoc mining district in northern Peru and consists of four exploration rights (Valle de Sinchao 1 to 4) covering 1,300 hectares that overlie 19 mining concessions.
History of the Sinchao Project
The 1997 drill campaign consisted of 15 reverse circulation drill holes totaling 2,098 meters. The 1998 program was a reverse circulation 7 hole program totaling 1,174.5 meters and the second 1998 program was 10 diamond drill program totaling 5,176.5 meters.
Geology of the Sinchao Project
Four mineralized systems have been identified on the Sinchao Property: the Skarn Zone, the Breccia Zone, the High Sulphidation Epithermal Zone and the Massive Sulphide Lenses. The Skarn Zone and the Breccia Zone each have the potential to host more than 500 million tonnes of mineralization, and have the possibility to host much more.
Data last updated on : 7/26/2010
All information on this page comes from internal and external sources deemed reliable. This information might not be up to date, so please perform due diligence before making any conclusion or making any action. Do contact us should any information be missing or incorrect.
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