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Développe Gold -
Dernière mise à jour le 15/11/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Feasibility
Risques / Pays : Important
VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
12/01/2016Inc=2E: Production Resumes at =?ISO-8859-1?Q?=20the=20Nampal...
20/07/2015Start of Production at the Nampala Plant
30/09/2014Adjusts Its Production Capacity at Nampala
29/04/2013Inc=2E/Nampala: Increase of 53% of the Expected Production D...
Exploration and drilling
19/10/2017Start of the Drillings at the Nampala Mine
13/05/2015Inc=2E: Anticipated Restart of the Nampala Mine in June 2015
09/10/2014is Suspending their Operations at the Nampala Mine
27/08/2014Announces That the Start of the Nampala Mine is on Schedule
26/06/2014Inc=2E: Presentation of theNampala Mine Director and the Hea...
06/04/2011Provides Wells With Potable Water for the Villages of Nampal...
25/03/2011Starts Diamond Drilling Campaign in Nampala
16/02/2011/Update on Metallurgical Testwork of Nampala Ores: High Reco...
Discoveries and Drilling Results
15/04/2016Nampala: Target Exceeded-
17/03/2014Resource Update of Nampala South Zone
12/03/2014Inc=2E/Nampala Resource Update: First Calculation of Inferre...
24/09/2013/Southern Extension of Nampala: Results Including Au in gpt ...
30/05/2011/Nampala: Initial Diamond Drilling Results Show Grades of 97...
11/04/2011/Nampala, Drilling Results Summary of Past Campaigns; Includ...
14/03/2011/Nampala, Results Higher Than Expectations: 3.45 g/t Over 2...
09/02/2011/Nampala, Impressive Results: 1.47 g/t Over 57 Meters, Inclu...
13/01/2011/Impressive Results at Nampala: 1.74 g/t Over 44 Meters, Inc...
15/12/2010The North Extension of the Gold-Bearing Deposit is Confirmed...
09/01/2008Latest results on Nampala: wider than expected
21/07/20052004 and 2005 drilling results at Robex's Nampala System on ...
07/07/2005Additional drilling results at Robex's new Nampala system
Données mises à jour le : 13/07/2007
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