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Cours Or & Argent
Bear Lodge
Pays USA 
Etat / Province Wyoming
Latitude / Longitude 44 N 28 / 104 W 27
Imprimer Estimation Voyager vers la concession Toutes les concessions voisines Mines et dépôts proches Concessions proches en activité
Recherche Copper -
Dernière mise à jour le 24/09/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Early discovery
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
Rare Element Resources Ltd.
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
The property is wholly owned by Rare Element Resources through its Wyoming incorporated Paso Rico (USA) , Inc. Twenty-three of the unpatented mining claims, comprising 472 acres, were acquired from Phelps Dodge Corporation and are subject to a two-pe Plus...
VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
Option: 65%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
The Bear Lodge Rare-Earth Project is ten kilometres north of the town of Sundance in northeast Wyoming. Access from Sundance is by the Taylor Divide Road, which is paved to the south edge of the project area. A good gravel road transects the property and there are a number of four-wheel-drive mining and logging roads, which provide good local access.
The Bear Lodge Mountains and, in particular the carbonatite-alkaline intrusive complex that contains the rare-earth elements, host a variety of mineral occurrences. The following data are presented to emphasize the intense interest generated by these Plus...
Exploration and drilling
15/07/2015Bear Lodge Exploration and Geology Presented at Nevada Geolo...
03/03/2015Wyoming Legislature and Executive Office Support Bear Lodge ...
06/02/2014EIS Begins on Rare Element's Bear Lodge Project
19/09/2013Enters into Memorandum of Understanding with US Forest Servi...
14/08/2013Extends 2013 Bear Lodge Development Drilling Program
23/05/2013Development Milestone Achieved at Rare Element's Bear Lodge ...
10/10/2012Reports on Progress of Metallurgical Testwork on Bear Lodge ...
05/12/2011Announces Completion of 2011 Drilling Program at Bear Lodge
10/11/2011files Preliminary Economic Assessment of the Bear Lodge Rare...
05/10/2011Bear Lodge exploration advances rapidly
18/05/2011Summarizes Results from its 2010 REE Exploration Program and...
17/02/2011Appoints George Byers as VP - Government & Community Relatio...
13/10/2010Reports Collection of Bulk Sample for Proposed Pilot Plant T...
27/05/20100% Increase in Rare-Earth Mineral Resources
28/04/2010Initiates Government Affairs Program
30/09/2009Makes Significant Progress with Rare-Earths Metallurgical Te...
11/09/2009$3,000,000 financing
26/08/2009Initiates 2009 Rare-Earths Drilling Program
15/07/2009Receives Permit for Expanded Drill Program
15/06/20092009 Rare-Earth Exploration Program
29/04/2009Purchases Bear Lodge Royalty and Provides Update on Permit f...
12/05/2008Engages Datamine North America for Drill-hole Database Compi...
Discoveries and Drilling Results
18/03/2013Reports 65 Percent Increase of Total M&I Rare-Earth Mineral...
10/11/2011Reports Additional REE Assays From Bull Hill SW and Initial ...
06/04/2011Reports Final REE Assay Results from 2010 Drilling at the Bu...
07/02/2011Reports Additional REE Assays From Resource Areas and a New ...
14/01/2011Rare Element Reports Additional Rare Earth Assays From the B...
11/01/2011Reports Additional Rare Earth Assays From the Bull Hill SW R...
16/09/2010Reports Initial Drilling Results from 2010 Rare Earths Drill...
16/07/2009Reports Encouraging Rare-Earths Metallurgical Test Results
23/03/2009Reports More than 125% Increase in Rare-Earth Mineral Resour...
04/02/2009Reports Rare-Earths Drilling and Metallurgical Test Results
23/04/2008Summarizes Results of Bear Lodge REE Exploration and Provide...
31/03/2008Reports Rare-Earths Drill Results
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 24/09/2009
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