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Cours Or & Argent
Pays Mexico 
Etat / Province Sonora
Près de Obregon
Superficie 900 km² / 222 390 acres
Latitude / Longitude 29 N 34 / 109 W 19
Imprimer Estimation Voyager vers la concession Toutes les concessions voisines Mines et dépôts proches Concessions proches en activité
Recherche Lead - Silver - Zinc -
Dernière mise à jour le 19/11/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Early discovery
Risques / Pays : Léger
Kootenay Silver Inc.
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
Cash and equity commitments exceeding $2million secured the right to a 100% registered and beneficial interest in the highly sought after Promontorio project, which consists of contiguous claims covering a total area of approximately 90,000 hectares.
The Promontorio project consists of contiguous claims covering a total area of approximately 90,000 hectares in Sonora, Mexico.
The first work on the Promontorio property began in the early 1900s by the Manhattan Exploration Co., with funding provided by J.P. Morgan interests. An inclined shaft reaching a depth of 158.5 meters was collared in the hanging wall of the northeast Plus...
Exploration and drilling
09/11/2011Drilling Hits 83 meters of 166 gpt Silver Equivalent (58.2 A...
29/09/2011Initiates Geotechnical, Hydrogeologic, Environmnental Baseli...
15/09/2011Step Out Drilling on Promontorio Intercepts 92 meters of 147...
26/08/2011Drilling Success Continues at Promontorio as Kootenay Hits 2...
29/06/2011Announces Three Diamond Drill Rigs Now Operating on Promonto...
15/06/2011Announces Two Drill Rigs Operating on Promontorio, Third Dia...
27/09/2010Commences 10,000 Meter Multi-Phase Drill Program Aimed at Ex...
22/07/2010Surface Samples Indicate Potential for Multiple Mineralized ...
14/05/2010Step-out Drilling Encounters 364 g/t Silver & Combined Lead ...
23/04/2010Commences Resources Calculation
13/04/2010Continues focus on Promontorio Silver Project
07/10/2009Stepout Drilling Begins at Promontario
29/04/2009Promontorio Surface Sampling Confirms Mineralization for 100...
Discoveries and Drilling Results
04/04/2011Drills 237 gpt Silver eqv over 51m, Including 526.2 gpt Silv...
08/02/2011Reports Assay Results From 15 Holes on Promontorio; Drilling...
30/11/2010Receives Drill Assays as High as 262.4 Grams Per Tonne Silve...
20/08/2010Announces Initial Resource Estimate; Plans to Proceed With $...
14/01/2010Step-Out Drilling Encounters 551 G/T Silver & 20% Combined L...
17/02/2009Kootenay Discovers Seven New Strongly Mineralized Zones at ...
09/02/2009Stepout Drilling Confirms Highgrade Mineralization 1600 Met...
09/01/2009Kootenay Drilling Expands Mineralization at Promontorio ; La...
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 18/08/2010
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