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Cours Or & Argent
Pays Peru 
Etat / Province Daniel alcides carrion
Près de Cerro de pasco
Superficie 102 km² / 25 291 acres
Latitude / Longitude 10 S 47 / 75 W 46
Imprimer Estimation Voyager vers la concession Toutes les concessions voisines Mines et dépôts proches Concessions proches en activité
Recherche Silver -
Dernière mise à jour le 24/02/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Advanced discovery
Risques / Pays : Important
Tinka Resources Ltd
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
The Colquipucro project consists of 46 claims totaling 10,234.85 hectares in the Department of Pasco and Province of Daniel Alcides Carrion and is approximately 190km NE of Lima and 65km NW of Cerro de Pasco.
A first field visit identified numerous gossanous mantos and veins over an area of 20 sq.km within a sequence of limestone, shale and carbonaceous sandstone. Two dominant vein orientations were identified with widths up to 1 m, containing galena, sph Plus...
Crews returned to the project to sample an existing adit from previous mining. Numerous east-west trending and steeply northerly dipping fault/breccia zones crosscut the adit at fairly regular intevals along its length. The host rock is a banded sand Plus...
Exploration and drilling
15/01/2015announces results of 1,600 metre ten-hole drill program at C...
22/09/2014Starts Drilling With Third Rig At Colquipucro-Ayawilca Proje...
21/05/2014to Commence Geophysical Surveying to Cover 26 km2 at Ayawilc...
09/04/2014Files Amended Technical Report on the Colquipucro project, C...
19/03/2014Obtains Amendment to Drill Permit at the Colquipucro Silver ...
12/03/2014Clarifies Technical Disclosure on its Colquipucro Project
10/01/2013Resumes Drilling at Colquipucro and Ayawilca Projects, Peru
04/12/2012Secures Surface Agreement With Pillao Community For Colquipu...
02/10/2012Resumes Exploration At The Chaucha Zone, Colquipucro, Peru
10/09/2012Resumes Drilling At The Ayawilca Zone, Colquipucro, Peru
21/09/2010Provide Corporate Update of Exploration Projects in Peru.
24/08/2010Geophysics defines 600 metre long IP anomaly at Ayawilca zon...
22/07/2010completes IP survey at Colquipucro in Peru
10/06/2010Commences IP Survey at Colquipucro in Peru
17/03/2010Lodges Amendment to Colquipucro Drill Program, Peru
09/07/2009Provides Exploration Update for Colquipucro Project, Peru
16/06/2009Announces Encouraging Results From Preliminary Metallurgical...
25/02/2009Board Approves Further Work at the Colquipucro Silver Projec...
27/11/2007Completes Phase 1 Diamond Drill Program at Colquipucro, Peru
15/08/2007Update on Drill Program at Colquipucro Silver-Zinc Project, ...
15/05/2007Starts Drilling Colquipucro Silver Project, Peru
21/11/2006surface channel sampling extends dimensions of large silver ...
Discoveries and Drilling Results
21/10/2008Identifies Further Surface Mineralization At Colquipucro
20/08/2008Identifies Further Surface Mineralization At Colquipucro
13/05/2008Identifies New Area of Surface Mineralization at Colquipucro
24/04/2008Defines 20 Million Ounce Silver Resource at Colquipucro, Per...
28/02/2008Identifies Continuation of Colquipucro Sandstone Host Rock
13/12/2007Drilling Extends Mineralization at Colquipucro, Peru
28/08/2007Announces Positive Silver Results, Colquipucro Silver-Zinc P...
26/09/2006Bulk mineable silver potential at Colquipucro Project in Per...
25/07/2006identifies further mineralization at Colquipucro project in ...
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 24/04/2008
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