Brodeur |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
Nanavut |
Près de |
Arctic bay |
Statut |
Latitude / Longitude |
73 N 14 / 88 W 16 |
Statut : Green exploration |
Risques / Pays : Tres bas |
| VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
| Atlanta Gold Inc. |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
The Corporation acquired its interest in its Brodeur Property pursuant to an agreement with Helix Resources Inc. (“Helix”), dated April 27, 2000, as amended by agreement dated May 5, 2005 (as amended, the “Helix Agreement”) pursuant to which the Corp Plus... |
The Brodeur cluster of kimberlite pipes is located 12 kilometers east of Tidewater on the Brodeur Peninsula, on the west coast of Baffin Island. It is centered 3.3 kilometers south of Jackson River at 73°14' 48" latitude north and 88°16' 12" longitud Plus...
Flat-lying ordovician and silurian carbonates are exposed along the steep coastline of the Brodeur Peninsula and in the deeply incised river gorges. From the air, evidence of the Jackson Inlet cluster of kimberlite pipes is manifested as three dark b Plus...
Données mises à jour le : 31/12/2006
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