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Cours Or & Argent en
Pays Canada 
Près de Dawson city
Latitude / Longitude 63 N 36 / 139 W 26
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Statut : Green exploration
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
Copper Ridge Explorations Inc
Owner: 100%
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The Lucky Joe property consists of 548 claims with a total area of approximately 9,000 hectares. The property is located 50 kilometres south of Dawson City, with access by helicopter. Previous access for drilling equipment and fuel was by a 35 km tractor trail from the Yukon River, west of the property.
The Lucky Joe property was originally staked by Silver Standard in 1970 following up anomalous copper geochemistry in stream sediments in Lucky Joe Creek. Silver Standard conducted geological mapping, geochemical sampling, trenching and drilled three Plus...
The property is underlain by metamorphic rocks of the Proterozoic to Paleozoic Yukon Tanana Terrane. Within the immediate vicinity of the Lucky Joe property, the rocks include quartz-feldspar-mica schist, quartzite, amphibolite and orthogneiss. These Plus...
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