Pinevale |
Pays |
Etat / Province |
Queensland |
Près de |
Mackay |
Statut |
Superficie |
237 km² / 58 563 acres |
Copper - Gold - Silver -
Risques / Pays : Tres bas |
| Axiom Mining Limited : 100% |
| | | | |
Titre | Profil de la Compagnie | Tous les projets | Site web de la compagnie | Page projet de la compagnie |
The project area is located some 30-45km southwest of the central Queensland coastal town of Mackay and access is via the sealed Peak Downs Highway which transects EPM 13127.
Total production from Pinevale has been reported as approximately 2,500t averaging 11.5% Cu and 122g/t Ag. Other small producers on the field included Ben Mohr, Bong Bong and Lone Wolf.
The EPM covers the contact between the Early Permian Carmila Beds, a sequence of volcanic-derived sediments and acid to intermediate lavas, and the Carboniferous to Early Cretaceous Urannah Intrusive Complex which, within the EPM, consists of various granitic phases on the eastern side of the project area.
Données mises à jour le : 07/08/2008
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