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Cours Or & Argent en
Pays USA 
Etat / Province California
Latitude / Longitude 34 N 58 / 116 W 54
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Recherche Barite - Silver -
Dernière mise à jour le 11/09/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Brown exploration
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
International Silver Inc.
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsPage projet de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
These acquisition terms provide for an initial $2.0 million payment by December 5, 2008, with the $6.0 million acquisition cost balance to be financed for a 15 year period at an interest rate of 6% to be paid annually.
The Langtry property consists of 20 patented mining claims covering 413.22 acres in the Calico Mining District of San Bernardino County
From 1969 to 1974, Superior Oil's Minerals Division drilled 200 rotary holes totaling 80,000 feet to establish a measured mineral resource of 36 million tons containing 76 million ounces of silver, and 7.9% barite.
Exploration and drilling
11/09/2008Receives Extension on Langtry Property Purchase and
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 31/12/2008
Conditions d'utilisation
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