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Cours Or & Argent en
Tobin Lake
Pays Canada 
Etat / Province Saskatchewan
Près de Nipawin
Superficie 559 km² / 138 238 acres
Latitude / Longitude 53 N 48 / 103 W 23
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Recherche Coal -
Dernière mise à jour le 05/02/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Green exploration
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
Weststar Resources Corp.
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsPage projet de la compagnie
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Weststar Resources Corp., subject to regulatory approval, has entered into a letter of intent with a group of arm's-length vendors, pursuant to which the company has acquired 72 coal permit applications, known as the "18 Meter" property.
The Tobin Lake property is located 50 kilometers from the community of Nipawin, central Saskatchewan.
In the 1970's Flin Flon Mines Ltd and Brascon Resources Ltd explored the area south of Lac La Ronge, which lead to the discovery of the Bow River Coal Field. The companies defined a non-43-101 compliant 50 million t resource, where the sub-bituminous Plus...
The Tobin Lake property lies within Central Saskatchewan, proximal to the sedimentary edge of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. The property sits on top of the Mannville Group, with the underlying Devonian carbonate Ashern Formation to the Northeast and the overlying Cretaceous Lower Colorado Group to the Southwest.
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 27/01/2009
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