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Cours Or & Argent
Rubi Project
Pays Peru 
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Statut : Green exploration
Risques / Pays : Important
Radius Gold Inc.
Joint venture: 40%
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The exploration and cash payments over the remainder of the term will be joint-funded by both parties (60% IMC, 40% Radius) with each party subject to standard dilution requirements for non-contribution of funds (see press release dated October 8, 2008).
The property is located some 400 km south-east of Lima in the Department of Ayacucho, south-central Peru. The claims are within 2 km of the Nazca-Cusco highway, some 16 km east of the town of Puquio. Access within the claims is good via numerous dirt tracks.
Minas Rubi was a former producing Au-Ag mine in the 1980's and 1990's and was held by Banco Minero for 15 years, Hochschild won the property by auction in 2005 and Exploraciones Andinas recently acquired the property from the former.
Sedimentary rocks of Mesozoic age correspond to the Arcurquina Formation, which are overlain by Tertiary volcanic rocks of Paleogene to Pleistocene age and classified as the Puquio, Grupo Tacaza and Barroso Formations.
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