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Pays Canada 
Près de Timmins
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Recherche Gold -
Dernière mise à jour le 30/11/2010 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Green exploration
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
Adventure Gold
Owner: 100%
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The Meunier-144 property consists of 10 mining claims totalling 161 hectares and is located in an easily workable area in the western portion of the highly productive Timmins mining camp
The Meunier-144 property is located in the highly productive Timmins mining camp which has produced more than 70 million ounces of gold over the past 100 years. The Property has been inactive since 1997 with little exploration work conducted in prior years.
At the regional and local scale, the geological situation of the Property appears very favourable for the identification of new high-grade gold-bearing structures associated with the major Destor-Porcupine Gold Trend.
Données mises à jour le : 30/10/2009
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