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Cours Or & Argent
Pays Mexico 
Etat / Province Chihuahua
Superficie 79 km² / 19 533 acres
Latitude / Longitude 28 N 14 / 106 W 50
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Produit Gold - Silver -
Dernière mise à jour le 23/02/2011 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Production
Risques / Pays : Léger
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VanEck Vectors Global Alternative Energy ETF
Joint venture: 50%
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Sierra Metals Inc.
Joint venture: 50%
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The property covers the silver district of Cusi, in the central western part of the State of Chihuahua, approximately 125 km west of the city of Chihuahua. The property covers 75 square kilometers in the Sierra Madre. The two main mineral deposits are Promotorio and Santa Edwiges.
Dia Bras acquired in May-June 2006 the Cusihuiriachic (Cusi)silver district in Chihuahua State, 40 km from the Malpaso mill. The acquired properties cover more than 7,500 hectares, including 12 former mines that historically produced high-grade silve Plus...
The rocks that crop out in the area are mainly volcanic rocks of the Sierra Madre Occidental (Campa U.F.M. 1999) of the Chihuahua area, predominantly volcanic rocks of Eocene-Oligocene age, continental deposits of the Upper-Middle Tertiary, and in sm Plus...
Historique de production
LEAD (lbs)234 08166 654
SILVER (oz)14 52236 307
ZINC (lbs)101 663
22/02/2011(Sierra Metals)Reports Fourth Quarter and Full Year 2010 Volumes
Exploration and drilling
15/07/2010(Sierra Metals)Accelerates Advanced Development
17/12/2009(Sierra Metals)Pours the First Silver Dore Bar From Cusi Rock
10/06/2009(Sierra Metals)Obtains 85% Recovery of Silver From Cusi Rocks
13/01/2009(Sierra Metals)Announces Construction of a New Mill at the Bolivar Mine and...
07/05/2008(Mega Precious Metals)Drilling Begins on Promontorio
23/04/2008(Sierra Metals)New Agreement With Compania Minera Cusi
15/04/2008(Mega Precious Metals)5,000m Drill Programs Planned at Promontorio and Montoros
08/12/2006(Pershimco Res.)Expands Mexican Exploration and Development Assets
05/12/2006(Kootenay Silver)Announces Milestone Acquisition of Historic Promontorio Mine...
22/11/2006(Pershimco Res.)Pilot Production to Start at Cusi, Mexico
12/10/2006(Sierra Metals)Major Improvements in Productivity and Efficiency at the Mal...
03/10/2006(Sierra Metals)Impressive First Results at Cusi Project, Chihuahua, Mexico;...
27/04/2006(Pershimco Res.)Completes Large Diameter Drilling
Discoveries and Drilling Results
24/02/2011(Sierra Metals)Reports More High-Grade Silver at Cusi
04/03/2010(Sierra Metals)Drills More High-Grade Silver Mineralization
04/02/2010(Sierra Metals)Drills More High-Grade Silver Mineralization
08/12/2009(Sierra Metals)Discovers Further Silver Vein Extensions at Depth and Initia...
29/09/2009(Sierra Metals)Discovers New High-Grade Silver Veins at Cusi and Announces ...
22/07/2008(Kootenay Silver)Drilling Expands Mineralization at Promontorio; 35,000 Meter...
04/06/2008(Sierra Metals)Announces High Grade Silver and Gold Drill Intercepts From i...
30/05/2008(Sierra Metals)Samples up to 5,140 g/t Silver at La Reina Sector, Southern ...
22/05/2008(Kootenay Silver)Kootenay Drilling Confirms Widespread Mineralization to a De...
10/04/2008(Sierra Metals)Announces More High-Grade Silver Drill Intercepts from its C...
30/01/2008(Sierra Metals)Announces High-Grade Silver Values at the Promontorio and Sa...
19/12/2007(Sierra Metals)High Grade Ore Zones Developed at the Santa Edwiges Mine of ...
13/12/2007(Sierra Metals)More High-Grade Silver Values at the Promontorio and Santa E...
10/12/2007(Kootenay Silver)Drilling Confirms Widespread, High-Grade Mineralization: Hig...
15/11/2007(Sierra Metals)High Gold and Silver Values at Cusi
02/05/2007(Pershimco Res.)Positive Following Silver Results From the Cusi Project, Mex...
12/12/2006(Sierra Metals)Reports 248 g/t Silver From Bulk Sample at La Bamba Open Pit...
02/11/2006(Sierra Metals)Intersects 188 g/t Silver Over 38 Meters at Cusi
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 01/05/2008
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