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Cours Or & Argent en
Lake Douglas
Pays Canada 
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Statut : Green exploration
Risques / Pays : Tres bas
Paragon Minerals Corporation
Owner: 100%
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The Lake Douglas project is located in central Newfoundland, 40 kilometres south-southwest of the town of Millertown.
Previous exploration on the property was completed by Falconbridge and Noranda in the late 1980's and early 1990's. Noranda and Falconbridge completed geological mapping, prospecting, soil sampling and ground geophysical surveys that lead to the disc Plus...
The property is underlain by volcanic and sedimentary rocks of the Mid-Ordovician Red Cross Group that show strong geological and lithogeochemical similarities to rocks in the Bathurst Mining Camp in northern New Brunswick. Prospecting and geological Plus...
Exploration and drilling
02/11/2009New Geochemical Target Identified at Paragon's Lake Douglas ...
Discoveries and Drilling Results
14/12/2007Reports on Drill Results From Lake Douglas VMS Project
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