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Cours Or & Argent en
Pays Brazil 
Près de Mamao
Superficie 200 km² / 49 420 acres
Latitude / Longitude 7 S 18 / 50 W 1
Imprimer Estimation Voyager vers la concession Toutes les concessions voisines Mines et dépôts proches Concessions proches en activité
Produit Gold -
Dernière mise à jour le 24/01/2011 - Conditions d'utilisation
Statut : Production
Risques / Pays : Modéré
Troy Resources NL
Owner: 100%
Profil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagnie
TitreProfil de la CompagnieTous les projetsSite web de la compagniePage projet de la compagnie
The Andorinhas Project is a mineral exploration and development project located in Para State in northern central Brazil. The Andorinhas Project lies within the Serra dos Carajás Mineral Province which covers an area of approximately 6,000km2 in the eastern part of the Amazon Craton.
The Project hosts incorporates two gold concessions; Mamão and Lagoa Seca which cover an area of approximately 20,000 hectares. The gold mineralisation occurs as several deposits hosted in Archaean greenstones of the Carajás Mineral Province. The deposits have been worked in the past as both open cut and underground operations by illegal miners known as garimpeiro.
The gold mineralisation occurs as several deposits hosted in Archaean greenstones of the Carajás Mineral Province. The deposits have been worked in the past as both open cut and underground operations by illegal miners known as garimpeiro.
Emplacement géographique
Données mises à jour le : 10/08/2009
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