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Cours Or & Argent en
Pays Chile 
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Statut : Brown exploration
Risques / Pays : Léger
Polar Star Mining Corp.
Owner: 100%
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The property consists of 1 exploitation concession totaling 30 hectares. Polar Star on February 27, 2008 announced the signing of an option to purchase a 100% interest in the property by making staged payments totaling US$400,000 over twelve months.
The Yoanca property is located 1,450 kilometers north of Santiago in the Cerro Blanco oxide copper mining district.
Other than the piquinero pits there are no public records of mining or exploration activity in the property area. ENAMI reportedly drilled two RC holes in the late 1970’s to test the leached cap zone which apparently bottomed in oxides at depths of 1 Plus...
The property lies within the central sub-zone of the main Chilean Andean porphyry belt and covers a classic leached cap zone developed within the West Fault, host of many Chilean mega porphyry copper deposits including Chuquicamata. The West Fault is Plus...
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