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Can Stocks Get Over The Hump This Time?

IMG Auteur
Publié le 30 décembre 2014
162 mots - Temps de lecture : moins d'une minute
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Rubrique : Analyses Techniques

Stocks Have Stalled In This Area Previously

The recent push off the Fed meeting low has brought equities back to a familiar area. The chart of the S&P 500 below shows the upper blue line has acted as resistance three times in the last six months (see orange arrows).

24hGold -  Can Stocks Get Over...

Reaction To Economic Data

Investors' reaction to this week's economic data will most likely determine the market's short-term fate:

Tech, Industrials Side With Bullish Odds

This week's stock market video shows numerous areas of potential resistance, along with recent positive developments in the technology and industrial sectors.

Investment Implications - The Weight Of The Evidence

While the market's appetite for risk has improved significantly in the wake of the last Fed statement, the economic and stock market bulls still have some work to do. The evidence we have in hand aligns with an equity-friendly investment stance. However, the market's recent bipolar nature calls for flexibility until the bulls can take out overhead resistance.

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The answer to the question that is the title: the US was a phenomenally wealthy country, and thus it was very easy to grotesquely underestimate just how long it will/would take for the fiat system to plunder all the wealth. The real question is "Just how much longer can the gold bugs be wrong?" I suspect less than 5 more years...but the immense wealth of this country is easily underestimated.
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The answer to the question that is the title: the US was a phenomenally wealthy country, and thus it was very easy to grotesquely underestimate just how long it will/would take for the fiat system to plunder all the wealth. The real question is "Just how  Lire la suite
Doom - 30/12/2014 à 16:40 GMT
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