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Trump Hits a Bump

IMG Auteur
Publié le 20 juillet 2015
915 mots - Temps de lecture : 2 - 3 minutes
( 9 votes, 3,3/5 ) , 8 commentaires
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Rubrique : Editorial du Jour

W as it Donald Trump or the wolverine that lives on top of his head who made the dumb crack over the weekend about Senator John McCain not being a war hero? After all, that ambiguous patch of ginger-colored fur has taken on a life of its own. If I were Trump, I’d simply disown the remark and say that the hair-thing blurted it out, ventriloquist-style, because he (Donald) forgot to feed it that morning.

I just want to go on record to say that if John McCain is not a war hero — what with getting shot down in the Vietnam jungle and spending 5.5 years being thrashed daily by his captors — than Donald Trump is not an asshole, or a pendejo, as the landscaping crew might put it (perhaps even a maricón).

One thing the Trump campaign is proving — to the flustered consternation of the moiling herd of other candidates — is what intellectual chickenshits all mainstream American politicians are. I know it is hard to see through the prevailing rainbow fog of diversity propaganda, but the USA really does have an immigration problem. My peeps in the old Democrat fold are the worst, of course, because they are not even capable of stating the plain truth that an illegal immigrant is something more than just “undocumented,” as if some bureaucratic error were made in God’s intake stack. And the issue of legal immigration policy is simply unmentionable, of course, because being “a nation of immigrants” means never having to say enough is enough.

It’s obvious that much of the developed world is now sore beset by past immigration policy choices and by the current inrush of desperate souls fleeing the evermore general breakdown of societies across the Middle East and North Africa (MENA). European pols are at least willing to have the debate, unappetizing as it might be. This dreaded political dance is now occurring against the background of a probable financial breakdown across Europe. When the utopian project of the European Union fails, as seems likely now due to the sovereign debt fiasco, I suspect that we will see a renewed effort to defend national cultures — French, German, and all the rest — in a manner that has a great potential for turning ugly. Financial failure means the death of the current banking system and the disappearance of massive notional wealth, and if that isn’t a recipe for extreme nationalism (plus xenophobia) than we are truly blind to the lessons of history.

And then, of course, there is the problem of Jihad. It’s for real, and it’s on the move all over MENA, and quite a few of its faithful agents are in place across Europe to make a whole heap of trouble in the event that the Euroland project falls on its face. This is perhaps beyond the question of merely preserving national identities. I think we will live to see an era of mass expulsions, fair or not.

It is not so easy to explain why America has its head so far up its ass on the issues of immigration, but maybe it is enough to say that sixty-plus years of TV advertising have set us up to be suckers for every sort of paid shill selling a sentimental sob story for one interest or another. This seems to be true most particularly of the educated class that labors in the trenches of advertising and public relations (i.e. propaganda). They have come go believe their own bullshit absolutely. Apparently, these true-blue believers are more hostage to the narratives they are paid to spin than the ragtag followers of Trump. (We’re a nation of immigrants….)

Were I a pol, I would propose a “time-out” from immigration of all kinds. The USA did it before, in the 1920s, after a half-century of prodigious immigration when new states needed to be settled, and new industries needed to be manned, and new cities needed to be built. We are not in the same circumstances anymore. The empty places have been filled (and then some). The factories were banished to China and elsewhere. Some of America’s farming regions aren’t working out so well a hundred years later — Nebraska has been depopulating and God knows what the fate will be of California’s Central Valley as the epochal drought creeps forward. The Chinese may be building super-duper mega-cities, but every fact of coming resource scarcity suggests to me that they are making the wrong bet on that disposition of things. It ain’ happening here, anyway. Our cities (with a few exceptions) face contraction.

Unfortunately, Trump’s antics will make it only more difficult to hold a sane debate about taking that time-out from immigration. So, one alternative is an insane debate about it, one based on sheer grievance and gall rather than the responsibilities of governance. I’ve proposed for many years that we are all set up to welcome a red-white-and-blue, corn-pone Nazi political savior type. I don’t think Donald Trump is it. But he will be a stalking horse for a far more skillful demagogue when the time comes. There’s a fair chance that the wheels will come off the banking and monetary system well before the 2016 election. Who knows who or what will come out of the woodwork before then.

Meanwhile, notice today’s headline from the fabled “newspaper of record” (The New York Times):

Women Who Dye Their (Armpit) Hair

Yes, these are the mighty issues that concern us most.


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I'm surprised not many are aware of McCain's fellow POW's claims about his special treatment by his Vietnamese captors and his broadcasts for them and his attempts to convince other POW's to be more co-operative with their captors. Once the Vietnamese discovered that McCain's father was a military power broker with plenty of influence, conditions changed for young John and he wasn't the least inclined to refuse special treatment. But as these things go, the American public has no memory at all unless it's celebrities getting caught trying to entice some youngster into their clutches. McCain and Trump are simply the latest clowns dancing in the center ring for our consumption and as the mass media hopes, our entertainment (The Two Stooges Show!). No thanks. I'd rather watch the Three Stooges.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
On the other hand:

McCain and the POW Cover-Up
The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.
By SYDNEY SCHANBERG • July 1, 2010

John McCain: When "Tokyo Rose" Ran for President
What Was John McCain's True Wartime Record in Vietnam?
By RON UNZ • MARCH 9, 2015

...so then I guess that if (A) these articles (and many others not deemed "worthy" of print to the Ministry of Truth, er, Mainstream Media) are anywhere near the truth, then (B) Trump may not really be an ahole after all?? Hmmmmm...I'd say it's probably a lot safer and accurate to go with "A"...howz about the rest of you "enlightened" folk? I always find it interesting how some, perhaps all, of us can be "in the know" about some things and know that most of "the rest" just don't get it, but then have our own blind spots where we've never even considered that the story we believed about some other topic or person isn't actually true, that it is ALSO simply part of the Politburo of Propaganda's routine lies, spin, and obfuscation? Yet, how could that be? We're so enlightened, after all? We already know everything there is to know about everything, right James?
On the other hand:

McCain and the POW Cover-Up
The “war hero” candidate buried information about POWs left behind in Vietnam.
By SYDNEY SCHANBERG • July 1, 2010

John McCain: When "Tokyo Rose" Ran for President
What Was John McCain's True Wartime Record in Vietnam?
By RON UNZ • MARCH 9, 2015

...so then I guess that if (A) these articles (and many others not deemed "worthy" of print to the Ministry of Truth, er, Mainstream Media) are anywhere near the truth, then (B) Trump may not really be an ahole after all?? Hmmmmm...I'd say it's probably a lot safer and accurate to go with "A"...howz about the rest of you "enlightened" folk? I always find it interesting how some, perhaps all, of us can be "in the know" about some things and know that most of "the rest" just don't get it, but then have our own blind spots where we've never even considered that the story we believed about some other topic or person isn't actually true, that it is ALSO simply part of the Politburo of Propaganda's routine lies, spin, and obfuscation? Yet, how could that be? We're so enlightened, after all? We already know everything there is to know about everything, right James?
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
What? The Donald is not "The One", who will save us from all the perils that confront us? Did he not
visit the Matrix's Oracle in Arizona. Or maybe it will instead be someone from Texas who saves us, a
place which I think still considers itself a separate country. Many world leaders have come from other countries: Stalin from Georgia (the USSR Republic), Hitler from Austria, Napoleon from Corsica, Jimmy Carter also from Georgia (not sure which one), and Obama from Kenya and Indonesia (4 years from 6 to 10 years old).
I read John McCain's entire wikipedia biography, and I could not help being greatly impressed.
However, for all his accomplishments, he seems to have consistently recommended sending more and
more of our military to places like Iraq (the second time, under the George W. - Cheney - Rumsfeld
administration - not sure I have the chain of command in the right order), Afghanistan (the troop surges),
and now to Iraq again. We never seem to accomplish anything permanent, but to change the balance of power
in the area, and encourage corrupt or nonrepresentative governments, which leads to more opportunity
for extremist sentiment In the process, too many of our other genuine heroes die or are injured. Not that our presence hasn't given encouragement to many of the moderate countries, and we have eliminated huge numbers of the enemy. But a more
selective use of our brave military might have been better.

Trump's great ability may be to raise the controversial issues in a manner which engages the entire
population. The result would be a more realistic -and MORE politically inclusive - dialogue. If that
is all he accomplishes, his candidacy is worth it.
Ron DeMello
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
James, if you'd take the time to compare the PSY-OPS Warfare Weasels hiding in the Green Zone in Baghdad to the "Real" soldiers of the Viet Nam Era ~ you'd realize McCain is (in relevant terms) a Hero. Your argument, however, is much more about Presidential Candidate Trump than it is about the heroics of John McCain. I know, any voter would have to have several shots of Rum before considering a Trump Vote: but that brings us back to The Reality of Relevancy. Compared the the entire gaggle of Weasels in the Presidential Candidate Pool: by shear intelligence alone (not to mention courage, street smarts, credibility, and past performance) ~ we're left with Trump. What other choice do we have James ?
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
John 'Canary' McCain is no war hero, and he's got slippery fingers, if you know his past. McCain even admitted in an interview once his actions against the N. Vietnamese would be considered a war crime.

He came very close to being tried for treason when he got back for his giving aid to the enemy, but his Daddy stepped in and smoothed things over.

As for the article MENA blathering's about 'Jihadis' you need to ask yourself why all those Muslim terror outfits, like IS and Al Nusra, never attack their sworn enemy, Israel and why is it that the USA has been air-dropping weapons to those thugs, at the same time, Israel is providing them with medical care from field hospitals set up in the Golan Heights.

I hope you don't do reporting for a living.
Evaluer :   1  1Note :   0
Normally I can agree with you on most issues and those I disagree on are minor.
However the Donald was correct in my military mind (15 years credited service in combat arms).

Consider the facts:
McCain failed to accomplish the mission.
Mission was, bomb the snot out of the target and return the aircraft.
He failed. Circumstances trumped effort.
He failed to escape from the POW camp.
That is the duty of every soldier, sailor and airman.
Again a fail.
He went to the Southeastern Wargames to support the lawful South Vietnamese government.
A few of us enlisted and volunteered for Nam as well.
Then just awhile back, ole pseudo-hero kill them out and let God sort them out McCain went to Syria in support of the insurgents fighting against the lawful government of Syria.
Flip-flops are not just shower shoes.

John McCain certainly fits the profile of an angry old man eager to kill everyone that disagrees with his psychopathic view of reality.
I would argue that he is among the elite of the Queens of the Dark Triad. Narcissistic, Psychopathic, Machiavellians.

Hero, no. Survivor, yes.
Were all the POWs from WWII treated as well as McCain once they came home? No.
McCain was the first Republican I eagerly voted against in the last 40+ years.

The rest of your article, though not encouraging, is dead on the money.
I truly wish I could find some fault that would give me hope.

And the Donald?
He will be just some more road kill on the path to the White House.
By the way, that isn't a wolverine on his head.
Looks more like a possum that crawled up inside a dead horse.
But that is how it is. The field is full of grinners and stinkers.
And they won't open trapping season on any of them.

Evaluer :   2  0Note :   2
Looks like chrome-dome J. Howie is having a really bad morning... a bald loudmouth spin-meister insulting a guy with hair?? LOL!! And more importantly, like the liberal liars in the media, this clown fails to detail Trump's FULL comments... in which he many times said McLame WAS a hero... regardless... the Old goat McLame spends his time insulting GOP candidates like Rand Paul and the Donald, due only to the fact that they are not on board with the NWO Neocon war for profit gang... so is worthy of blowback comments... So take Mr. Cuntsler's commentary with a large dose of salts... and then you might just see who the real ASSHOLE is here.
Evaluer :   1  0Note :   1
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I'm surprised not many are aware of McCain's fellow POW's claims about his special treatment by his Vietnamese captors and his broadcasts for them and his attempts to convince other POW's to be more co-operative with their captors. Once the Vietnamese di  Lire la suite
dennyc - 22/07/2015 à 06:31 GMT
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