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Membre depuis mai 2012
179 commentaires - suivi par 2 personnes
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>The problem with regulation  - Alasdair Macleod - Finance and Eco.
In ZO governments they use regulation to add some respectability to the CON of their financial terrorism. Then they skirt the regulations anyway because they can.
US Just-us dept. won't prosecute because it will make the wealthy criminals poor? (if you follow the money most of the .gov would be in jail too)
"Competition is sin" Rockefeller ,
Thats why gangsters have mob wars to eliminate the competition.
Thats why Banksters have world wars whenever there is a threat to their financial con job?
The Banksters proclaim Gold and Silver are not money and why do the people listen?
Laws have been passed so we can only use what they allow "Competition is sin"?
Thats why they push for a one world currency because "Competition is sin"?

Math,Science,History it all started with the BIG BANG
AND they are all ignored or suppressed ("Completion is sin") thats why nothing changes for Humanity.

Start clicking those down arrows!

il y a 3949 jours
Début de l'article :It is seems to be universally agreed that regulation is a good thing, ensuring that people are treated fairly by unscrupulous businesses. Regulation is a vindication of state intervention and control. The alternative is seen as a free-market jungle full of hidden dangers and traps for the unwary and innocent. It is less universally known that regulation was the method that the pre-war fascists used to pursue their political ends, contrasting with communism which sought instead to own the mean... Lire la suite
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