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vox kadavergehorsamkeit
Membre depuis mai 2012
222 commentaires - suivi par 1 personne
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A laissé un commentaire sur l'article :
>It’s Time to Abort Obamacare  - Ron Paul - 
I regret having to say this, but Dr. Paul has got this one wrong and he has managed to do so on many levels. To begin with, IUDs are a form of birth control that prevent pregnancy. They in no way are used to abort a fetus. Next, while religious freedom is considered to be sacrosant, practice of this tenet has always fallen short of the theory. Just ask Mormons who had to abandon polygamy or Muslims being prevented from building mosques or Rastafarians sitting in jail for smoking weed. And we might also consider that those Christians who actually believe in Jesus' teaching that we should turn the other cheek are forced to contribute to the most powerful war machine this planet has ever known through their taxes.
Let me now turn my attention to the preposterous claim that this mandate has nothing to do with healthcare, but everything to do with the abortion industry and a hatred for Catholic values. It is entirely about health care and says nothing about Catholic values. And as for those Catholic values that Dr. Paul wants to champion, 98% of American Catholics practice some form of birth control. The mandate does not require the remaining 2% (mostly nuns) to practice birth control. And as Dr. Paul should know, laws are written to apply to everyone, not just certain segments of the population. It is why Mormons can now have but a single spouse and why Rastas sit in jail. If Catholics do not like the law of the land, they should work to elect representatives who will change the law or they should go join the pot heads in jail.
As for the heirarchy of the Catholic church and their moral values, suffice it to say that a shockingly large number of them are the very same folks who have been raping your children for generations and the current pope was instrumental in protecting many of the rapists, just moving them to a different parrish so as that they could find new victims. So then, unless you agree that raping children is a good thing, you will have to agree that the Catholic church does not come down on the right side of every moral argument and there exists the possibility that they are sorely misguided on this one. And yes, I hear some of you saying that the Catholic church is very much against the rape of children. To that I say that I judge things based upon what is done, not what is paid lip service to. Talk is cheap; hell, it is free. It is our actions by which we are to be judged.
As for Dr. Paul's Interpretation of the first Amendment, he coud not be more wrong. One is free to practice whatever religion one wants, but if the dictates of your religion cause you to break the law, you are going to jail. Afterall, America is a republic, not a theocracy. It is why American soldiers can be ordered into combat on the sabbath and woe unto the soldier who disobeys his marching orders for religious reasons. And it is why Mormons can have but one spouse without facing time in the pokey. The law of the land always has and always will take priority over any and all religious dictates. If you think it should be otherwise, perhaps you would be happier living in Iran

il y a 4464 jours
Début de l'article : Many religious conservatives understandably are upset with the latest Obamacare mandate, which will require religious employers (including Catholic employers) to provide birth control to workers receiving healthcare benefits.This mandate includes certain birth control devices that are considered abortifacients, like IUDs and the “morning after” pill... Lire la suite
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